
I’ll reply, as someone who used to work at Starbucks, without being snarky and explain why this sucks. Frappucino’s take a long time to make, sometimes 2-3 times as long as hot drinks and when people order a lot of Frappucino’s the entire line can grind to a halt. What people are really mad about is the fact that

Ha, I was thinking the same thing. Hell I can’t remember the last time I was able to achieve 65 mph, probably 2 months ago?

Not sure if you’ve heard since you posted this, but NBA Playgrounds is actually coming out on PC, it is listed at the end of the launch video. They just didn’t list it here for some reason.

The hair is the only real problem for me as well. Just let him use his natural hair color, hair color isn’t important here. It’s much preferred to the bad dye job/wig thing going on here which is far more distracting than Ed not being blond.

When they visited David’s ex-girlfriend she has what looks like a white Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 from 2011 with a dock cleverly covering where it says Samsung on her desk and the girl sitting behind them is using an iMac from 2002.

Isn’t not caring about being cool one of the defining characteristics of being cool?

I think you accidentally conflated orbital speed and escape velocity. Escape velocity is referring to the speed to leave orbit, 18,000 mph is sufficient to achieve orbit but not leave orbit.

Also searching for Collapsing Empire has the fake book as the second result on Amazon. Plus, you also left off the tagline of Corroding Empire: “Kalsi rips of Asimov better than Scalzi rips off Heinlen!”

We don’t know that he didn’t throw $20 on the table. Hell if you looked at most of my tips on receipts you’d think I stiffed the servers because I always try to tip in cash.

It’s actually in the video and you are spot on.

The actual name of the company in romaji is Matsuda.

People out here suck at driving for sure and buy stupid fucking SUVs, but there is a shitload of snow in California throughout the entire top half. California isn’t only Southern California.

I like Fassbender’s take on Magneto as well but I actually haven’t really liked Mystique at all in the movies. But yeah the reason I don’t want them is precisely the reason you mentioned, I feel that by them being in the movie the producers will push character development for all characters not named Magneto, Xavier

My take on the whole situation was that GT Sport was going to be, as you said, a more fleshed out prologue and they just decided to have it take GT7's place.

Wow, someone accidentally hit the accelerator in a car and didn’t blame it on bullshit unintended acceleration.

I like Jennifer Lawrence and love Michael Fassbender, but I’d honestly prefer both of them not even be in the next movie.

They actually just released a trailer for the closed beta of GT Sport (new name for the “second generation” of GT, aka GT7). It’s in 4k 60fps if anyone has a 4k monitor/tv and looks amazing in that resolution.

It’s like having an ex that you keep getting back together with because they promise you they’ve changed, you get your hopes up, and then they immediately cheat on you again. But, like an idiot, you just keep taking them back because you honestly love them and that love for them is what makes it hurt even more.

Netflix uses Amazon servers...

I had the same thought. I am holding out hope that when Cable comes back in time for Deadpool 2, X-23 somehow tags along. Hell it could even be in the after credits scene to setup her joining X-force.