
That is because the comic con footage was awful. This didn’t sway me away from disliking the Joker interpretation but made everything else look way more entertaining. I’ll probably wait for reviews before I decide to go to the theaters or wait for rental but I’m cautiously optimistic now instead of actively

A ton of people recognized it in my theater as well. I’m still standing by my assertion that it was unbelievably stupid to ruin Wonder Woman’s heroic entrance, and probably first time in the costume on screen, in a fucking trailer. After Meh of Steel I’ll probably wait for redbox for this one.

You’re living the car driving dream I didn’t know I had until I read this article.

I even had one in my cart ready to pull the trigger and I just couldn’t do it. $100 less and I would have purchased it. That being said I still had my window open in another tab and when I went back to close it the shipping date changed to April so the first batches have sold out it seems. Hopefully it sells well

This trend is hardly new. People have been commenting on articles without reading them since commenting on articles was introduced.

I just gave you the reasons and you ignored them so I’m done arguing the point after this. They refer to Fury CONSTANTLY on the show and the reason the movies don’t acknowledge the TV show is there is literally no time, as I said. The show is just supplemental material between movies, like the star wars comics and tv

So why were Sam Jackson, Coble Smulders and Chris Hemsworth on the TV show? Why did the Agents of Shield call in the Avenger’s strike to get Loki’s staff that started the AOU? I personally don’t expect or even want the TV show characters in the movies but to say they aren’t in the same universe literally goes against

It is absolutely exaggerated. If someone else had written the dialog and directed them and Lucas had just come up with the outline, story and been an on-set producer they would have been stellar. That is the problem I always had with the prequels is the bones of a fantastic story were there, especially how Palpatine

I’ve heard, just like with ewoks, that liking the prequels is more an indicator of how old you were when the movies came out than anything. I personally like rots but the other 2 are pretty bad.

This is the best advice on here. Bitching on the Internet doesn’t do much, you have to vote, or in this case don’t, with your wallet.

I may be remembering wrong but in that scene where we learn Finn was taken as a child didn’t they say something along the lines of: I should have used a clone army? Like it was an option they didn’t choose implying the First Order started using them again or were they implying they wished the program was still

I was literally born in LA county and have lived my entire life in CA. Why people would want to visit LA is beyond me. The best of everything in CA, from the beaches to food and culture, is found elsewhere in the state.

But that character building was terrible and his fall to the dark side was horribly done. While that is a good point that we may understand him better, I have to disagree with the idea that Anakin from the prequels is necessary for Kylo Ren’s character development unless that idea is what not to do. Vader from the

I think you actually are reinforcing his point of view though. They made a character in one movie that took 3 movies and 2 TV series worth of content to equal. And those 2 TV series are mandatory viewing for the character not to be a huge disappointment.

I must be the only person who absolutely hated Donna Noble. She was so annoying I almost quit watching Doctor Who.

Saw it in the fancy IMAX in San Francisco and we only had 4 trailers. BvS, ID, Captain America and Warcraft. I even commented it was nice how few we got as I was expecting a ton, I see that was the exception. 8 trailers before a movie is just stupid.

Japan isn’t nearly as important as it used to be to movies produced outside of Japan. Since almost 60% of dollars in Japan are spent on locally produced movies, they bring in less money to foreign films than basically every major European country and even Russia. This is just cinema admissions I am talking about. And

My biggest complaint about comments like this is you are upset that a movie isn’t the same as a tv show. The new Star Trek has no TV show that it was based on so you aren’t going to get the same product based purely out of necessity. They didn’t develop these characters and themes over the tens or even hundreds of

Might have fallen to a balcony below maybe?

As a Warriors fan I’m sad to see the streak end but at the same time I’m a little relieved. Every game has felt like a playoff game for the last 12 games so I’m glad my heart and stomach will get a break for a bit. I never expected them to beat the 33 game single season streak, such a daunting record, but it is nice