
My reaction to this is similar to my reaction to hearing my brother announce that his girlfriend of 6 months, who is still married to her husband, and already has 6 children, is pregnant. I think we’re all supposed to assume that my brother is the father.

The older I get, and the more stories like this I see, I am more convinced there is no god.

And she saw her chance and didn’t hesitate. The witnesses said she went straight over the railing.

Now, please explain why an adult would consider a haircut “abuse” under ANY circumstance.

Had the same thought. Even the smaller ones have eaten people who have succumbed to the venom and bacteria in their mouth. Komodos get about 20 people a year I think. I’m guessing they were MUCH bigger when humans didn’t run the earth too.

That was pretty damn cool of him. Way to let the other teams fans feel good in your park. Well done all around.

I keep wondering are they planning ALL indoor areneas because playing matches there is physically impossible otherwise. Even for folks attending I can’t see this shit working at all.

People who can find a way to hate Riley Curry are the same jerks who think we need the coaches mic’ed up and interviewed between timeouts. Play in traffic idiots.

During his police interview, Hutchens admitted that he masturbated to pictures of young girls ages 2 to 3 and 12 to 13.

Don’t laugh. What Josh was caught doing and has admitted to is horrible. But believe me. I’m sure this guys behavior has evolved into something worse. I’d bet my life on it.

Jordan also got away with murder call wise. LeBron gets no where near the calls...thankfully.

You’re unfamiliar with the joke handicapped people used to tell before wheel chair equipped vehicles. Or every young. It’s actually more of a joke about ALWAYS “driving”. So they would say things like “No more beer for me...I’M DRIVING”

Now playing

I’ll never watch these movies. ( Thank God for Honest Trailers and my spidey sense about movies ) but that’s some sad shit aint it? Kinda like someone in a wheel chair calling out “I’ll drive!” every time a trip is planned.

I’’m guessing fans of hers don’t ask many smart questions but...if her real name is not Wilson then....oh never mind.

Unfair. People around the world who are completely unfamiliar with D’Angelo Hall would want to kick his ass. A crowd of people would have viciously converged on him if he ordered a bowl of Ramen in Tokyo.

I was going to say the same thing. I hate Liverpool but that look...lmao

This was happening on Spanish music stations in the U.S. as well. Especially with Reggaeton music. Ironically it was Americans like me who speak a little Spanish who had to point that out. Advertisers were the ones who were most upset. Latinos like the Central Americans who live in my area don’t challenge a damn

Right. Saints fans are LIVID about that shit. Patriots fans should feel lucky because losing Peyton was huge for New Orleans.

But don’t you get it? Yes. They did get off easy. But long before they got caught deflating balls the Boston sports media was worried about Goodell getting the shaft for his handling of the Ray Rice tape. Roger “destroyed” the Spygate evidence and MANY people believe that’s because they full extent of the Patriots

You mean that “History” that they have been screwing up for more than 10 years now?