I’ve always just taken the Asian comments as playing to some of his audience; which a performer should do from time to time. He has a huge nerd following from his comedy, Community, and some of his music, and there is a huge convergence between nerd and Okatu culture.
Hello, somebody!!!
He’s make some pretty weird comments about Asian women in his music over the years and weird comments about black and white women too.
“A dude. Not a messiah.
I had this thought watching him Saturday. But genius or no, Damon is right. He is a flawed human being just like the rest of us. It is very important to remember this fact, lest we get crazy disappointed anytime he does something we might not agree with/like.
I didn’t even know he had kids.
I’m also not here for it, because i’m already seeing extra spicy takes about Glover having a white lover and interracial children. This all feels like Hotep bait and i’m not here for it. Celebrate the art. Celebrate the artist. Don’t worship any of these niggas, you’ll be disappointed.
I struggle with where DG is at now. Like, on one hand, he is undeniable talented and I love how creative he has been and continues to be. The man is a contender on every front that he approaches. My concern for him, is that you see things like his music video, and the persona he seems to be currently cultivating, and…
Putting artists on a pedestal is a recipe for disappointment, but Kanye is no competition for Glover... If anyone deserves the genius label, it’s donald Glover, especially now that Kanye’s shown us how much of a fool he really is.
I’m pretty sure they make more than $130K.
It is horrible that they did this to him on the first day. Period.
Good fucking lord.
He continuously violated his probation. Yes, the judge was a cunt, but it still doesn’t escape the fact that Meek violated his fucking probation, and not only that, got a hell of a lot more opportunities to stay out of jail than most people on probation.
People need to stop going to bat for those who…
He just hit MY phone!
Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?
So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?
Personally I’m overwhelmed by the obvious genetic superiority on display.
Hey, they’re making fun of us downthread. Let’s put aside our differences and give them all a good angry fist-shaking!
You’re swinging wildly.
I didn’t say this WAS an actual interview, I said the story was ABOUT an actual interview, as opposed to the many stories about what everyone else said.