
That I actually don’t mind, their motivations were off but it at least seems like this woman knows what she’s doing.”

The fact these this large group of adult men brought in Nurse Ratchet to address Christine instead of doing it themselves makes me want to unload all the knuckles on their faces myself.

In my book (considering the way Cosby’s hypocritical self-righteousness ended her time on the show) she can dance on the grave of his public persona all she wants.”

People thought I was crazy when I stopped watching after a couple of seasons. Even though I was a fan from his comedy album days Bill was beyond self righteous and yes an asshole on the show. The hypocrisy of his life is really what got me.

Ok, but what was the reason for explaining the racial demographics of your high school?”

You know my HS was lily white with an “inkwell” of black students in New England. I was 3 months from graduating when I found out that one of my teachers was dating a classmate and everyone in town not only knew but so did her parents. They also approved.

Take your fucking star 

Emmanuel went to school and is not ashamed of being black.

Mr “Medicated state” obviously don’t know how much black folks want to bust him in the mouth. 

Tyson Beckford will break your fucking jaw

I cannot stop watching this dog...do exactly what I feel like doing every fucking day.

Fallon went on record that his show is strictly soft-serve”

Nobody is slandering Melissa McCarthy, ALL her last two movies are doing that for us.”

His introduction to many of the drugs we know he was taking with Whitney is presented as she basically turned him into a cokehead.”

And FUCK Alabamans and their warped sense of life priorities.

Brian stay safe.

“ooooh I’m sorry we were looking for EGGSHELL......eggshell” - Alex Trebek 

Candace talks this way because yall let her.

Here is a whole lot of fuck you.