
“Patton Oswalt on Twitter has pointed out the weird pattern that seems to happen with a decent amount ( I wouldn’t say majority but a good amount) of right wing guys are failed comedians. There are more than just a handful of people who seem to be failed entertainers who somehow end up in politics. Huckabee for sure

Tavis is going to make an even bigger azz out of himself just give it another day. His comments to Gretchen Carlson make a black man sorry for Gretchen Carlson having to converse with Tavis Smiley.

Tavis Smiley was NEVER a “good dude”.

But he totally knew they were young and decided no...not for me.

“To this day, it is hands down the most memorable shit I’ve seen happen at a concert because of how absolutely disgusted the entire crowd was and I’ve been to go-gos.”

“It seriously amazes me that you or anyone else would think that is ever an ok thing to do at a game.”

Sadly you’re right. Crabtree should hire a “merc”.

Didn’t even see the game and could not agree more.

Now playing

No problem. Get with Little Dragon too. The whole group is dope and the lead singer Yukimi is cool as hell.

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Warner Music group has A LOT of money to pass around to pump their artists up.

Well Trump seems in a hurry with his tweets this past weekend.

Well Trump seems in a hurry with his tweets this past weekend.

When you have a man as POTUS who is THIS dumb/corrupt anything is possible.

I don’t know about that.

Good points.

He plead to the least of the charges possible against him

Dispensary in downtown Silver Spring expects to have bud by friday.

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“I don’t know that it would be possible to loathe the hypothetical murderer of my child more than you loathe Boston.”

I grew up there. Aint lived there is decades but

Hogan has done pretty much everything he could to slow thwart this decision from voters before he was even in office.