
“She should have accepted the offer to simply move her as far away from the dogs as possible and either sucked it up and sneezed for a few hours or she should have made sure to have OTC meds on her at all times.”

“Rebecca said “I feel bad that she has allergies but it can’t possibly be that bad.” I can’t.”

I want to punch that big fat UGLY head so bad it’s not funny.


At first I agreed with you then I remember Don Jr on Hannity lying and poorly I might add.

Most black folks who know their history understand that desegregation was not something white folks did because they felt it was the right thing to do. Rather something they opted to do once bayonets were in their faces.

Right but there was too much anti MLK sentitment there.

Now playing

“Yet Arizona is also the only state that voted to make MLK Day a state holiday”

“I see black folks going through there, aren’t much better in other places I’ve lived, like Illinois, Ohio or Arizona (I know, I know).”

Not saying it’s safe anywhere in the U.S. but the strangle hold on black folks politically and socially in Mississippi and Alabama is special man.

You know I was thinking this morning that anyone black in Alabama needs to be at least thinking about a way out.

White folks can’t want everyone to swallow that police officers are somehow heaven sent, infallible, sentinels of purity and justice.

“you’re aware that teresa very publicly responded to trump’s comments, right?

“also. lol at pharrell. guess he decided “New Black” wasn’t that much different from “Black Black” eh”

“I was just going to say this. One Black person in the room would save them this embarrassment.”

“I’m white, every day I wake up I have more opportunities and happiness than you could ever imagine.”

“...and yet you can’t even refute it D’Qwantonio.”

“Whites on average are far wealthier, far more educated, make up the largest number of entreprenuers and business owners, you dumb cow.”

Oops. Forgot all about that. LOL.

“This was an intentional strategy by politicians to alienate poor whites from poor blacks and therefore weaken both groups.”