
Except it was based on a (much better) book.

Tess is pretty clearly modeled after Cayce Pollard (cool hunter) in William Gibson's Blue Ant trilogy.

Disk you notice the bit of purple that Skyler was wearing?

Marine wasn't showing compassion. She was gloating. Marie has been an irredeemable bitch since episode one.
I've always said that the one thing tethering Walt to his humanity was his love for Jesse. The moment he decided to have Jesse killed, Walter White was gone. He was fully Heisenberg.

Compassion for skyler? Marie wasn't showing compassion, she was gloating. Marie has always been an irredeemable bitch.
I always said that Walt's love for Jesse was the one thing keeping him from going full Heisenberg. The moment he ordered Jessie's murder was the end of Walter White.