Dear Lifehacker,
I keep hearing people talk about BitTorrent Sync, but I'm not sure why I should care about it. Isn't…
Dear Lifehacker,
I keep hearing people talk about BitTorrent Sync, but I'm not sure why I should care about it. Isn't…
How come no mention of Owncloud or Tonido FileCloud ? This set looks like the "old boys club" with the same ones mentioned over and over again. Both OwnCloud and Tonido FileCloud provide so much control over rolling cloud services with complete features to secure the data including native mobile apps on all major…
No mention has been made of Tonido (http://www.tonido.com), which provides direct access to files on your computer without uploading them first to the cloud. All your files are private and you can sync and share as well as access them all via mobile apps for iOS/Android etc. It should definitely be in the top 5 list…
That's ridiculous. We talk about SugarSync ALL THE TIME. Just last week I wrote about them: http://lifehacker.com/five-best-clou…
VOTE: Tonido+TonidoPlug