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Who gave any of you a voice? Seriously, you don’t “get” Star Wars. That’s fine. But the constant crying just makes you look like a petty child.

Go watch Marvel.

Gamefreak is a developer that employs like 167 employees, total. They do not have the staff that Bethesda Studios (400 developers) or Nintendo has (800 developers).

People are comparing the graphics of a company with 100 developers to the graphics of companies with 400 and 800 developers.

We don’t deserve nice things.

I hardly see a difference between the two versions presented here.

The gift of 20/15 vision. It took me most of my life to realize most people don’t see things in HD in real life already.

God it must suck to not have any imagination or suspension of disbelief.

Germain, if you truly think that Arthur is in any way an “anti-hero” of any kind, you are completely in over your head as a human-being who has to wake up and do normal human-being things, let alone as someone who views and writes about films for a living.

Unbelievable. Astonishing and perplexing that you would even

Imma go on record as always having loved the Prequel Trilogy because it is pure fan-service and I cannot hate Lucas for that. He literally gave us what we wanted and packed it full of world-building.

The sequel trilogy is legit a cash grab 100%

I think the most humorous critique of Avatar is how it left no cultural impact, or how the fandom rose up and died off like a flash in the pan yet since the movie came out, people have continually talked about how they “forgot it even existed” or how it left no cultural impact.

Funny, that.

I hate almost everything Hollywood has been putting out for almost 15 years now but I loved Avatar and complaints about the generic story or unoriginal plot ignore the scope, world-building and ambition of the first Avatar. It was a very entertaining movie and at the very least, visually captivating. It was a pure joy

I couldn’t even get through this article but now that meme makes complete sense to me.

What a horrible use of journalism.

Idk if it’s just me but it looks nothing like a death star. The Earth’s moon looks more like the death star than this.

I’m so blown away by people even wanting these things. Nintendo can easily load the entire system library on it and even charge more money for it, if they wanted to. Instead, we get 1/25th of the library, at most and people are nutting over this stuff.

Give me on good reason why these don’t have hundreds of games on

How about a new classification for Pluto altogether as a Binary Planet system? Since it is now too small to be classified as a Planet, yet it’s moon is rather large in comparison. So any Planet too small to be considered a Planet, thus qualifying as a Dwarf Planet, yet having at the same time a Moon that’s over half