Dynamic Conqueror

I am stunned to this day that Les Poupées de Paris - the puppet show in question - actually got to be part of the World’s Fairs in New York 1964 and San Antonio 1968, and even after that the Kroffts did kid shows.

His mistress and the murderer of his previous wife? Just guessing.

Oh God, yes, please, please let it be Jack Chick.

Which one?

Ben Garrison! Yes, perfect! (Have you seen the brilliant parodies they do in The Onion?)

Any idea when the review embargo is up for South Park? Nobody seems to know...

I was going to guess finger paintings.

I assume Trump will just use his future mug shot?

Wait, so you’re trying to tell me that the guy who made Breaking the Waves, Dogville, Antichrist and Nymphomaniac might have issues with female sexuality? Now I’ve heard everything...

We’re going to float so much, we’ll get tired of floating.

Flynt’s only political identity is Proud Sleazebag; he’s never really tried to pretend something he’s not.

Suddenly the GOP would be a forgiving place.

Far be it from me to tell any refugee where they should settle, and obviously they should take whatever is best for their lives, but I REALLY hope that a good amount of them find homes in swing states and districts.

They will also be casting a new revival of West Side Story.

Never mind that Trump is practically the literal description of the Antichrist. I mean it would be hard to come up with a less Christ-like man than Donald Trump. Or maybe they’re hoping he’s the Antichrsit because they think he’ll hasten the ‘end times’.

Yeah. Then NBC took it over. And then they wanted to make MONEY so they hired him. And this is what happened.

Funny enough I encountered an orc that basicly gives you a moral talking, tldr it went like this: you have problems with one orc or hundreds but all of us? Perhaps you are the problem

Lydia probably. Better costume would be to go as Miss Argentina! My wife’s mad at me for changing to this costume last minute, because she’s always wanted to be blue skinned Miss Argentina.

Ahh the good ole days when Bravo was dedicated to arts and culture, AMC stood for American Movie Classics, and you could actually learn something on TLC.

Great, you could say the same thing about A&E, TLC, History channel, Discovery, Ovation, and I’m sure many others.