
I think the N64 in general just aged poorly compared to any Nintendo console :/.

I think it counts as a seperate Megaman series, I think they just kind of abandoned it. Megaman, Megaman X, Megaman Zero, Megaman ZX, Megaman Legends, Megaman Battle Network and Megaman Starforce are all of them as far as I know.

I like the sub board E/N though.

What was SA like? I only joined it pretty recently. GBS never seems to make much sense.

I probably didn’t notice because I read this on my phone and the image was zoomed out very far.

With 2000/2003? Because It’s nothing like xp or vx, but I’ve never used 2003.

In XP you can creatr some nice maps without it. In VX it is pretty much necessary to use parralax mapping to make a pretty map.

I love quake, unreal tournament, tribes and counter strike games even though I suck balls at them. In the first three it’s that you can try again right away. In the last it’s that whenever you do finally kill something it just feels so good.

Seems like a good adaptation, watched the first few episodes. I started reading the manga about when the anime’s first episode came out. The thing that really attracted me to the manga was the art style. It was so unlike the stereotypical modern anime look I didn’t really like too much that I loved the art style. But

That first thing is actually also one of the major annoyances I had in the manga. I still loved it though.

Haha, I don’t get ‘’harsh noise’’ at all. I don’t like all that weird avant-garde/expirimental and ambient stuff but at least I get where it’s coming from. But harsh noise? What the actual fuck.

It was a great harsh noise track man! Even better than Merzbow’s stuff you know?

In my opinion it looks like a terrible game, but that doesn’t mean I think it should be censored. Censorship is bull.

I trust the developers in their ability to differentiate between different contexts and intentions.
I also think they know people sometimes make mistakes.

Hey, I like girls with the smaller ones.

It’s also in people’s rights to disagree and not play the game because of those rules though, that’s perfectly fine by me. I on the other hand think these rules are pretty reasonable.

The characters of this manga are such cardboard cut outs..

Something about the lighting/shading seems..off.

Yeah I can see why they went for modernizing it, and also why they went for their own art style. But it does effect my personal enjoyment for something that I initially started reading because it didn’t look and feek like the typical anime I usually come across. But whatever, a good adaptation is a good adaptation.

As someone not that much into anime but still likes it, the manga just didn’t feel so stereotypically ‘’animu’’ to me, and I loved it. The anime, although very similar, did have that typical modern anime feel to it for me. I don’t fully know why, but it makes me prefer the manga. Still a good adaption though.