
They're basically the Saint Louis Cardinals fans of the basketball world. Well at least if they don't win this year the window might be closed. Frankly I think the team is just overrated. They have great regular seasons then eventually fall apart in the playoffs.

But that means yet another ring for LaDouce James. Really, which is the greater of two evils here?

I know you're not a lawyer C.A. So i'll understand your ignorance at the importantence of the "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers" precedent establish by the Supreme Court in the hotly contested case of Rubber v Glue.

To the restaurant

As a trans woman living in Japan, i was wondering if you might share your experience and thoughts on the "trap" phenomenon prevalent in anime/dating sims and thier fan art. It's one i used to see a lot when i was regularly going through 4chan looking for good pics to....well you know. But this was long before i really

Ah yes, the state bashing game, which I'm sure is EXACTLY what Kat had in mind when she wrote this article. Now how many articles on Prop 8 do I need to link to in order to show how much your state's politicians care.


Upon re-reading it appears I was mistaken. There is no actual ice cream in this sundae. That said most of these are very odd. I think I will stick to Amestrian cuisine. Still a very funny article.

What kind of Alchemy could be required to create such a monstrous creature? I have never seen a Chimera that looked to be in so much pain.

Well that's it. I'm never going to sleep without nightmares again. Well, time to kill something.

Well i can't find any video of it but first off, we have the Chris Paul kick that got him three free throws at the end of the half in a game earlier this series. One of the most bullshit calls i've ever seen, it was obvious he kicked out to draw contact and got the shots anyway. On top of that you have one of the

Wow . That's about as funny as calling the bar looking for "Amanda Hug And Kiss". You keep pumping out that groundbreaking cutting edge comedy thier Internet, Bart Simpson is looking for new material.

your a fucking lunatic.

Not saying what the cops did was right, but i think bullets shot by 93 yo people can kill you just as easily as those shot by younger people. But hey, kevlar, so fuck it not like you have a family to support or anything.

Thanks Jez. I was to busy wondering what I could do to help those kidnapped girls in Nigeria. Thanks for reminding me of what's REALLY important in life.

I only made it to the fried bubblegum before my gag reflexes kicked in. Sorry C.A love your sense of humor but if you could perhaps post a copy of this without the images that made me almost lose my lunch.

remove the /one and it loads the normal page. I like it.

First off, another well written article. I always enjoy reading your work.

cave Johnson quotes need more stars.

you are right. I shouldn't have written that. I've just seen a lot of shitty comments come from the mp lately and this week has ended kind of shitty so I thought I would try to troll the mp, not remembering of course that they can't see what I wrote even though I'm not blocked. I really don't think this guy is