
He took a 40 minute shower and missed the second half of the game:

This exchange is awesome and makes me realize I do not follow Patrick Stewart on Twitter. I must fix that immediately! To the Twittermobile!

That gif is awesome.

I guess we know what Vince Vaughn's first assignment after the movie ended was now.

The only thing that is true is that Maddow is a cheerleader for the left just as Oreilly and Hannity are cheerleaders for the right. Just because you share the same views she does dosen't change this.

I'm probably gonna get flamed five ways to Sunday but I don't care. It really pisses me off that an entitled little shit like Bieber who is just going through the motions is going to tie up resources that could be used to help someone who cares about improving themselves and getting clean/sober and isn't doing it for

So let me start by saying that most of what i know about law, specifically sex crime law comes from Law and order and svu. I seem to recall some episodes where the police found evidence of crimes but because the evidence was obtained illegally it could not be used. Could that be something that happens here? Let's say

I thought we hated Aquariums now? Is that rage focused just on sea world?

Does this book even have a plot that can fill a 90 minute screen time?

Probably because the IOC is the most corrupt institution next to political parties and the nfl.

I don't know if you watch Star Trek at all but i recommend the Deep Space Nine episode "Take Me Out To The Holo-Suite". It's from Season 7 where Sisko challenges a Vulcan captain he had a grudge against since his Academy days to a game of baseball, since it was established Sisko is one of the few humans left who

This guy is not only sexist he's also an idiot. I've found basketball to be a lot more complex to follow than football. I can understand certain routes and v oerages easily enough in football. I still have no idea what the difference between a pick and roll and a pick and pop is in basketball. Hell i've watched


It's like companies are just now realizing "Hey, those other people we don't usually focus our ads on have money to spend and can buy our useless unnecessary crap as well." Awesome, but let's not pretend they're actually solving any real problems in the world. I agree, it is cool to have a non white/straight/etc

Had my last day at my job this Friday. Kind of sad since I've been there for over three years but I can't wait for the new opportunity. But enough of that, this week let's play a game. It's called " How Far Back?" What is the oldest post someone has replied to? I got a reply to a post about some guys obsession with

....Actually that's not all. I retract what i said in my previous post about Lena Dunham knowing all this about Vogue and still doing it anyway for the money. I actually feel somewhat sorry for her, as sorry as one can feel for a privlidge well off white woman who has her own tv show. Lady just wanted to get her glam

Seriously this is the most underwhelming thing in the history of underwhelming things. I hope those clicks you get are worth a hit to your rep and self respect.

I have no issue with people saying outrageous things but there is a line. "Omg she looks so tacky with those stilettos on the little slut", as an example only is pretty bad but standard fare for this kind of show I would guess. "Wow sis I am so jealous the principal molested you, no one sexually violates me. Man I am

You're right I'm sure outside from being jealous over her SISTER'S SEXUAL MOLESTATION I'm sure she's a saint. Bless her heart.