LOL. I just about spit the my sip of morning Joe!
LOL. I just about spit the my sip of morning Joe!
Did it strike anyone else as odd that when Velcoro accused Frank of setting him up, Frank asked, "What are you on about?" That's British phrasing and sounded really strange coming from an American gangster. "What are you talking about?" would be the more common reply. I know it's picky, but still.
Have you seen Episodes? It's the best comedy nobody seems to watch.
I totally understand it because it's so delicious, the only yogurt I eat now.
To be fair, didn't Erlich actually sell Jian-Yang's app to Laurie, but then the whole thing went up in smoke after Jian was found enjoying one of Monica's cigarettes?
If anyone threatened my Charlie, I'd spill the beans in a second.
Meant as a reply to Mark, below: Certainly the best comedy.
I envy the fact that one day, hopefully, you'll see A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, and 2001 for the first time.
That is a truly great movie.
True. It should be a fascinating transition.
I cannot take seriously anyone who writes "Him and Jane. . . " Really, it's disgusting. Your English teachers taught you nothing.
I completely agree. It's like they cheated the danger of the situation. I thought "Huh? What just happened?"
Travelers checks. A letter of credit. Diner's Club card.
But let's not forget that Bryn Mawr, one of the seven sister colleges, was, and still is, an excellent school. When Betty first mentioned she was a graduate, it gave me a new appreciation for her intelligence.
I loved it that Betty got the joke immediately when the nurse called Mrs. Robinson, what she had heard from the boys who dropped Betty of at the hospital. Her wry amusement made me like her all the more.
LOL! Oy, that was good!
My interpretation of Don's admonition to Sally about money was based on his having forfeited his two million to McCann and his payment of one million to Megan, which means that although he is still comfortable, he doesn't have as much now as he once did. Maybe he wants to ensure that he'll be able to pay for college…
Yeah, I know whatchu mean, man. I finished this episode and suddenly decided to vote for Hillary Clinton! Where'd THAT come from?
No, it's not just you. I actually took the time to rewatch last week's episode just before last night's because I was so confused by all that had happened. At least last night's story slowed down the pace a bit. I know that I'm not feeling the same kind of love towards OB that I did in seasons one and two,…