
Good, Gunn SHOULD get his job back. He has spoken about his history of really bad humor a few times, including during interviews during the first GotG. The fact that Disney let him go because of a Gamergate troll is them overcompensating for knowing about HW for decades and turning the other cheek.

Could the Raptors flip him?

With misio, there appears to be the facts and then their “facts” which are weighted more heavily due to “reasons”.

Titanfall 2 sold about 6 million copies, this is far from a fail...

Here we are again, letting the perfect become the enemy of the good. Ocasio-Cortes’s  victory is a good thing, but let’s stop trying to score points off everyone else. This is not the way you achieve a path to victory.

Reporter: “LeBron, I’ll get more clicks and be able to write like 8 more columns if you’ll just say something about how stupid your teammate is.”

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

That quote is out of context, the whole article was about the conflict between the artists and the business. You cherry picked that one part and left out the context, specifically how he was blindsided by activision taking creative control over the music on the trailer.

Is it me or is Bungie approaching an EA level of untrustworthiness? I can’t help but be cynical about their every move lately. I miss the young upstart Bungie. You used to be cool, Bungie. What happened?

If you’ve read what they did to him you’d understand his sentiment

Speaking strictly as a guy who does computer security for a living, this is horrible advice. Your phone is much more likely to be physically stolen than to be exploited in this manner.

This is a bad take.