
It’s not a hill and I’m not dying on it. It’s the way things are and there’s no point in anyone pretending they don’t understand this.

She’s named in the article- no one would know her name without being attached to a famous person a generation ago you disingenuous twit. 

I feel like a bad feminist that I thought the same thing, especially about her eyelids that seem to have jowls.

Well, it will be interesting to see what changes they make to her. It’s not limited to FOX. I see it on the other channels, too. MSNBC very, very slowly modifies their contributors and sometimes you can tell when they’re going to get a show to themselves or they’ll start popping up on more and more of the daily

Hot take- We need a law barring mouthpieces employed by the current administration from accepting media jobs until said administration leaves office. It’s bad enough that they keep getting recycled, but the fast track is contributing to the echo chamber effect across All the networks.

Classify it as a “non-compete” or

As opposed to all those billionaires who deserve their wealth hahah 

Oh, come on. He doesn’t pay attention to her anymore.

I would assume he kept the “best” ones for himself yes. Or had to put them thru a trial period first

Most middle of the road Democratic voters will vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is. That’s not the issue.

There aren’t on-the-fence voters. We need to stop this narrative. Right now there are people willing to put up with Trump and those that aren’t. Dems do better when they hold to their values rather than flirt with the other side.

i mean, what is he supposed to say? sorry i slept with children and have learnt the error of my ways? this isnt he can give give an half assed apology for.