D Anderson

Considering there are references to Kord in the movie and a Booster TV series in the horizon, I wouldn’t rule it out. It would totally fit Gunn’s style.

Because of those things you did to kittens on camera.

And on top of that, “Arab strongman willing to murder systematically to protect his borders” is an incredibly tough character to pull off just about anywhere, much less in the reductionist landscape of superhero stories.

A couple of decades ago, Black Adam was one of the faces of the “modern, mature DC”. Between bold like JSA and Checkmate and others, he was possibly the most recognizable face (at least among comic book fans of that specific time) of a subset of books that were ostensibly Authority/Ultimates Lite. There were

Hope they save them for the sequel!!

I don’t see the contradiction. It sounds like she’s not saying that the movie bombing will prove that a stereotype is true, merely that it will reinforce thestereotype prompted by media and believed by studio money men.

Then talk it up like it was part of the plan all along.

I’d guess they have a failsafe to recast Kang (a relatively easy fix with all the variants). Or else Kang’s role in upcoming movies isn’t as set in stone as we like to think and Marvel is ready to pivot to another one of the countless plot balls they’ve thrown in the air.

It’s shocking that Vampire: the Masquerade and/or Requiem aren't on this list, but that's probably just a sign of how rich and robust the indie TT landscape is these days.

That’s unfair and defamatory.

I’d py just for the Kidman part.

Oops. Must have forgotten about that show because I always conflate it with To Catch a Predator.

You’re right. You and me don’t need to call a technician to remove a cone from our cars because we’re human beings who can do it ourselves instead of self-automated vehicles with a glaring, practical design flaw.

If the car can be disabled with a traffic cone, I’d suggest we’re a loooong way from “good enough”.

A bit like Oz maybe.

What a puzzling choice though, because we know the right-wing chodes are gonna come after this movie one way or another.

Very hip, counter service only

Maybe now that they’re tapping into the Grant Morrison Batman well, maybe we could get an adaptation of the Island of Dr. Mayhew. Casting international stars as the Batmen from around the world would be delightful enough in it’s own right.

Idk Mel Gibson seems to be doing okay.

As someone with a pretty deep knowledge of comic book lore, I can tell you, it doesn't make them better.