
She became like her brother who she despised and judged so much. Doing cold blooded murder as he did with the 300 warriors by attacking an unsuspecting enemy in his most unprepared state seems to mirror her brother. They might even use this to forge her forgiveness for him next season.

Terrific finale. A lot of meaningful character interactions and nice set ups for season 4 storylines. No mass murdering of people yet the stakes still felt high. As a standalone episode this was wonderful.

It's hard for the average fangirl to admit that deep down Bellamy is not a hero or leader but a follower without any intelligence following the next leader who either makes him emotionally comfortable (Clarke) or lets him set free his violent and aggressive nature (Pike).

I guess Jason Rothenberg will pull a Shonda Rhimes in terms of Bellamy's 3A arc. Silence, avoidance from the characters and never mentioning it until the audiences forgets that Isaiah Washington is responsible for most of the shit going wrong on the show.

Look into past discussions on avclub reviews for this show you'll see him giving very on point analysis. He predicted the Bellamy/Clarke redemption point on point based on two scenes in 3x11. Either the 100 writers are simply predictable this season or commenters here are just smart beans.

Like said in here already personal moral evaluation as a redemption arc only works if the character has the intelligence to be able to do so. Bellamy belongs to the Joffrey Baratheon line of dumb characters unaware and unable to realize their dumbness because they're too caught up by their emotions. He works as a

We already had this covered in discussions. Here's why it still won't work. Scroll down to see the comment.

I think they're going more in a cheesy route with Bellamy bringing Clarke back to real life as her emotional reminder since the torture department can't be topped with the suicidal mother.

For an intense episode like this I was really surprised that twitter blew up on the 'start with Bellamy Blake' scene instead of other quality scenes. I'm feeling rather amused that the fandom romanticizes this scene when it had literally no romantic subtext and the word FRIEND is mentioned really clearly.

I really lol how shippers were rejoicing when Abby chose Bellamy to be tortured in front of Clarke like it would lead to some epic sacrifice and confession scene from her as if he would be more important to her than her love for humanity. She would have let her own mother die or even Lexa and even if Bob Morley is

Clarke is crazy right now like not on her right mind after Lexa's death. After she apologized to a freaking chip and insisted on staying close to it my conclusion is that she's so desperate and fixated to get the chip into someone that she has grown so cruel willing on forcing it on someone and also turning off her

I don't even know what use that dialogue had. As an audience member I myself know ALIE is the enemy since they've explained how the chip and ALIE work. The other delinquents do too so of course they will try to avoid shooting civilians since unlike Bellamy Octavia, Miller and Brian aren't violent assholes.

What a pacing this episode. The show knows how to write their action leaded episodes when everyone is putted in a dangerous situation and has to get out of it. They really had me on my seat tonight. I really didn’t know who was going to die and survive.

- Clarke the bachelorette couldn’t believe until the end that Luna didn’t want to have her chip. You can’t charm all the grounder bad ass chicks with deep blue eyes and intense stares.

It’s still a good Drake album but still his worse. The beats, lyrics and themes feel reused and sponged. Drake could once made sounding heartbroken and still being an asshole sound true but now all this sounds like boredom masked as pseudo hurt-anger only kept up so he can keep selling his image as the brooding

The flashbacks weren't exactly necessary since they only showed that Pike in his core on the Ark was already a ruthless ass willing to use violence and radicalism as means for survival. We already knew about his characteristics so why bother to retell them in the flashbacks? But I don't think it was to redeem him or

I think this comment predicted it spot on and the reason why people will still hate it because it's very cliché and lazy written.

- Despite the ship baiting the plot and characters this episode actually went well and weren't illogical.

The album is incredible. Everything from visuals to audios were magnificent. I always respected Beyoncé as a talented performer with nice pop jams and gained an appreciation for her new found artistry in ‚Beyoncé ‘ but ‚ Lemonade‘ just got her into my sphere of pure perpetual adoration. I knew shit would hit since

Daenerys' storyline could become very interesting and potentially a massive game changer. The Dosh Khaleen are not only former widows of Khals but mostly also mothers of current Khals wielding damn much influence. If Dany were to convince them on her side the army she would get and power play would be savage.