
I watched Bellamy/Clarke scenes and didn’t get any romantic notions despite some of the dialogues having romantic undertones or actions. For me a few scenes might have intended that direction:

LexAI the friendly chip flirting with Raven and saving her bae even after death. Badassery and awesomeness forever.

Lexa watched her sleep too and months later Clarke fell in love with her. I'm just saying Bellarke have had their bandage scene too. The road is set. We'll have to go through with it unfortunately.

This was one of the dumbest episodes ever. Like literally the plot and characters advanced in one of the most idiotic manner possible.

So they try to test my tolerance with teen dumbness by almost bringing this kid on board. Week 2 of this season and I still don't care if anyone besides Strand dies.

Even if we go with the route of military prevention there's no way Bellamy can get away. Either they would have attacked an ally with whom they had a peace treaty or they would have attacked the coalition since they were the 13th clan. The moment the writers decided to have Bellamy participate in this massacre death

I always love complex characters and don't really care whether they're the good guys or not as long as they give me compelling storytelling. Bellamy's role in the 100 was simply that of the loyal second lieutenant serving under Clarke willing to follow her orders. Try to get him out of that and he's just disastrous.

Protect LexAI at all costs. Too many untrustworthy dudes tried to touch it this episode.

What bothered me about the 'It's Lexa' line was why would Clarke even think that would stop Jasper from wrecking the damn chip? The 100 guys view Lexa as the commander who left them for death at MW. Like they would give shit about Clarke loving her. Also neither would Clarke openly talk about their romance for them to

I was sure they would pair up Clarke and Bellamy romantically in season 4. That's why they want to set up Bellamy's redemption through Clarke so that their relationship can transition to something romantic later.

Raven/ALIE were just savage this week. Spilling so much tea and sassiness to everyone was just great. Also the low-key shade at Bellamy for being a dull sex partner. But still how did she knew of Lexa's death?

This week on the misguidance and man pain of Bellamy Blake.

Alicia now has learned that love is weakness. Maybe she'll put warpaint on her face next.

No we need to keep the hotness on this show. I know she can be a great survivalist. She was commander once she can become one again.

Ok we got to a new season and everybody except Strand is annoying the shit out of me with their stupidness. I don't like any of the characters at all except Strand and none of them have interesting substance. Better have good character development soon cause I don't care or remember them at all.

Or shortly a plot device to make the show go 'dark' and 'edgy' by having their alpha male walking the dark road of misguidance and man pain.

This seems like one of their attempts to show off how 'dark' and 'edgy' their show is. But let me tell you it is as much as Lexa's death scene was 'tragic'. Both scenes are simply offensive. One furthering a cliché trope and the other glorifying the grave act of rape as some sexy foreplay or 'fun kink' as the reviewer

Unfortunately Murphy never gave consent in the beginning and only after Ontari so openly threatened him with death answered with a 'Things I do to survive' which doesn't sound like 'I like to willingly have sex with the hot girl by my own will' at all.

- My poor baby Raven. After all the things she had to went through she still couldn't get ALIE out of her head and is now in immense pain.

If shows can use social media for promotion and hype they can also learn how to interact with fans without encouraging rage and delusion.