
I'm not, but - here's the twist - WHAT IF I WAS!

Fuck you, he bombed heavier than the Luftwaffe over London.

And Grand Budapest Hotel.

*ahem*Apes WERE robbed.

By "proper use" you mean "twisting numbers and facts to say what I want them to say?"

I really can't deal with the "Boyhood" backlash. What's so goddamn awful about a movie that shows even ordinary lives can be beautiful and meaningful?

Chris Evans should not have a beard. Who does he think he is? Stephen Colbert? He is NOT Stephen Colbert. It doesn't look good on him.

LOL or maybe you could actually check your facts rather than parroting whatever Bill-O tells you about what other people say about himself. Corn didn't lie or play any tricks — Bill's OWN WORDS (and in context, no less!) contradict his OTHER WORDS and the actual FACTS of the matter (including from his own reports at


Apparently also not great at figuring out when an episode aired over a decade after another episode.

Well, be fair, Herzog IS German.

Ridicule often has a bigger impact on changing social mores than "education" or "reasoned debate" ever do. It's one of the reasons why tyrants and ideologues fear being laughed at far more than they fear outright opposition they can simply crush with lies or force.

I'm still pissed off that my friend on the yearbook staff WOULDN'T let me use that as my quote. So, I panicked and just wrote a bunch of nonsense quotes and initials. I'll never be famous now. Because famous people always have cool yearbook quotes.


In defense of Mark:

Honestly, I think the best running gag this season is how everyone, especially Valerie, thinks Paulie is going to fall off the wagon…. When really, he's just eating a lot and getting massages. I think he'll be fine.

Well, the past three times I saw him live (2008, 2010, 2011), the song they played while they were primping him before the start of of taping was R.E.M.'s "Living Well Is the Best Revenge". So, in a stumblebum way, I choked out…

No no. You're not outvoted. You're wrong.

That is possibly my favorite sign/parody name in the show's history.

Those are good! Though I'm really wondering why they went Schopenhauer rather than Wittgenstein. Doesn't really change the meaning at all… I mean, unless Frenchies are just somehow ignorant of Wittgenstein's work, but ARE familiar with Schopenhauer, who I can't imagine is any more/less popularly known anywhere…