
that song is a perfect expression of the understanding of christianity i had as a kid, when my only exposure to it was my grandma reading to my sister and i from the bible on sundays. then my grandma decided, probably because she had shit to do that day, that we should try out sunday school at the church by her house.

you could probably fashion several good wands from it.

maybe they mean that it’s concerning that this video was recorded, and they’re working to get all the necessary details on how to most effectively prevent further taking of video in the school, at least by students.

i wonder if it’s a good idea to look in the comments on that video... yeah, no, actually it wasn’t as bad as i was expecting, but i was expecting the absolute worst.

a man raping a woman is definitely acting hatefully toward that woman he raped, but he doesn’t necessarily have any hatred of women generally. to my understanding, that’s how hate crimes work, as harsher punishment for incidents of an existing crime motivated by a generalized hatred.

“Every rape is not a gender-motivated hate crime.”

it was kind of funny though how he was like, “is she talking to me? i don’t think she’s talking to me, but...”

yeah, i read about that. sounds like texas’s fault.

don’t his constituents decide if he’s bad at his job?

sanders finally gets tested on his policies? haven’t there been several debates?

was there ever any doubt that he’s a career politician?

when you call someone an idiot, it’s important to proofread carfully ;)

i hate bullshit. he murdered her to prove he was a man when his friends gave him shit for hitting on a transgender woman. that’s not a blind rage, it’s being an adult sized child.

okay, so, at a very basic level, prices aren’t set by costs, in anything, ever. that’s a misunderstanding. prices are a function of what a seller thinks they can get; their costs are the lower limit of that function, (in the long term at least. there’re plenty of instances of companies selling at less than cost to

right, exactly, the nt is cheaper to produce than the nes was at the time. drastically cheaper. if they sold them for double what they cost to produce, they could sell them by the pound. (i’m exaggerating, but i like how that line sounds.)

the components of it are rather important inputs, yes? their cost exerts significant pressure on the price of the assemblage, wouldn’t you say?

look at the scale of the y axis. the 2k of ram on the nes was not an insignificant cost factor in the system’s production. now it’s almost literally nothing.

i won’t believe until you show me.

no way does it cost the same amount. you’re absolutely crazy.

it’s just jello with the sugar on the side.