he may be 84 but his thoughts, like anyone’s, deserve the respect of being considered critically. is he senile? why should people just smile and nod when he talks?
he may be 84 but his thoughts, like anyone’s, deserve the respect of being considered critically. is he senile? why should people just smile and nod when he talks?
i try to keep my shit scheduled so that i can be naked whilst shitting and go directly in the shower in the morning. if the timing gets thrown i’m genuinely pissed, and if i have to shit in a public restroom, fuuuuuuuuu
i mix it up. i’ll do one or two wipes sitting down, then a couple standing up. wiping one’s ass should be a fluid, organic thing. it should be allowed to develop on its own.
one of my favorite moments was when me and some friends got high one blustery day in portland and got lost wandering around saturday market and thereabouts. we saw this guy with a huge umbrella, the biggest umbrella i’d ever seen. we were cracking up laughing at this guy as we watched him cross a small bridge, but…
even when i smoked, i never liked cigars. good pipe tobacco smells like chocolate cake though. tastes like shit, but smells like chocolate cake.
there’s just nothing to be said about a generation besides a range of years in which they were born, and anything that immediately follows from that. you say a millennial is this or that, or a baby boomer, or what have you, and sure, for those in that generation that are *this* or *that*, you’ve described them aptly,…
“The oldest millennials are currently 35, and the youngest just 20.”
yeah, seems like typical kid shit to me, coupled with a hysterical reaction from adults.
that’s contingent on this being an attempted murder, which obviously it wasn’t, because come the fuck on.
i mean, statistically you almost certainly don’t know particularly advanced four year olds, right? and there can be quite a gap between what seems to be and what actually is. i have a four year old, and sometimes he seems to get stuff, but other times it’s clear that he doesn’t really. it was the same way with his…
the only reason kids aren’t sociopaths is because the diagnostic criteria specifically require the person be 18 or over, because what use is a diagnosis that is applicable to everyone in a group? it’s not even a matter of “learning” to empathize, it’s a cognitive development thing.
oh yeah, that’s totally what happened. kids just absorb shit and repeat it at awkward times. it’s absolutely insane to imagine a kid that age plotting anything.
yeah, that’s a good point. in the moment people might get carried away. especially as long as whatever the republican nominee will be remains an abstraction instead of a horrifyingly real, looming catastrophe.
i caucused for sanders last weekend and someone asked if the sanders supporters would vote for clinton if she’s the nominee, and almost everyone said of course they would. one fuckhead guy said he couldn’t. to be clear i wasn’t the fuckhead guy.
on the bright side, i think a significant fraction of trump supporters support him, not because of any of his positions, but because he’s winning. for them, winning’s enough, winning determines right from wrong, and they’ll construct a rationale for their support after the fact as needed.
what difference does it make?
yeah, and isn’t batman supposed to be a detective? a detective that’s also a ninja in emergencies, but still a detective. he’s not so good at being inconspicuous, in spite of the fact that such a skill would be helpful for both a ninja and a detective.
its truth shines through its falsity. that’s how you know it’s the true truth.