if you know the story of the buddha’s awakening, this was basically his first step, so this guy could be on the way to enlightenment!
if you know the story of the buddha’s awakening, this was basically his first step, so this guy could be on the way to enlightenment!
“The wealthy working people”
many can’t go there; and many would rather die.
“Fox then hid their infant son from her for years”
i don’t understand this. why isn’t he in prison for that?
there’s so much difference in age/experience/culture even among people born in the same year. well, maybe not age. to think you can say anything interesting about a generation isn’t a very good habit of thinking. there just isn’t anything to say.
isn’t there any way to kill myself that doesn’t have adverse health effects?
yeah, for any meat you have to cut, a bowl is the wrong thing.
we aren’t talking about our biology, we’re talking about this biological paper, written by people who are weaved into a culture.
why should the vital, life sustaining functions of the human body be dependent on reproductive function? or rather, why should we expect them to be, since we already know for a fact that they aren’t?
look at it this way: “white people still cannot handle beyonce’s formation video” -> story about no one showing up to a supposed protest of beyonce’s formation super bowl performance. feels kind of empty.
the stuff about the sheriff is another thing, but it not much him being unable to handle the video as it is him…
46 cops shot dead since the super bowel! it’s an epidemic!
is there even much ado? people are supposed to be freaking out, but i only see people writing about people freaking out. i watched the formation video on youtube, and, by youtube comment standards, the comments weren’t hateful.
it’s kind of like the opposite of the emperor’s new clothes. he’s got real clothes on that everyone can see, but they’re supposed to be invisible to idiots. everyone who sees the clothes, first and most importantly, imagines the teeming mass of idiots who can’t see the clothes.
in the video there’s some riot police watching a black kid dance.
just know that going in, and revel in it.
but how did he snatch up three phones out of three people’s hands? is bill murray that fast?
it’s just morbid curiosity, like with “faces of death.”
“the requisite shock and disappointment”, i like that.