
that’s all fine but with ryan reynolds as deadpool, since the first animatic or whatever, i’ve thought, and it seems to be the general consensus for fans, that he’s completely perfect for the role. the fact that he’s so perfect to play deadpool combined with his shitty track record is itself what makes the “root for

the one behind the boxes looks like she’s gradually positioned herself there and is about to crouch behind them and wait it out.

i stopped at 39 seconds and let out a deep, shuddering sigh.

those women look like they’re eavesdropping.

he looks like a cartoon mole.

if i wasn’t laughing then i’d be just screaming.

it could be alright if harry’s the new arthur, in other words, if it’s about the kids.

my dad was never religious until the schizophrenia kicked in...

now that’s thinkin’!

flint water is river water, which is generally more acidic than the lake water they were on before from detroit. the pH is supposed to be corrected, but wasn’t. the acidity caused the lead to leech from the pipes.

it’ll come down to him, trump, and cruz. the fact no one knows him makes him a shoe-in in that field.

“She is a raw, sexual force, impeded.”

the fact republicans control the congress works just as much against clinton as it does sanders. you think a republican congress will be more likely to compromise with clinton than they would with sanders, or that clinton will be more likely to compromise with a republican congress than sanders would? the distinction

there may have been, but no one remembers them.

trump in the general election would be terrifying. i can’t see how he could win, but then i can’t see how he’s come this far.

or it could be that, like, black people *are* the aliens who’ve colonized the earth, which would explain why they subjugated europe for so long[1]. they weren’t just a colonizing force from africa, they were a colonizing force from beyond the moon. open your eyes sherson!

[1]: http://bluebloodisblackblood.blogspot.com/2

were they called out by their community and their university? or do you mean they were suspended? those are two entirely different things.

is the fact that it’s an african eggplant what ties it to south africa?