Dadmom Angrypants

There was a backlash against Roar?
Man, I loved that show. It felt like a show specifically for me.

Both the awesome reboot series and the recent goof fest have been very well received in this house.

My advice, which should always be taken most cautiously, is to make a double feature of ‘Tender Mercies” and “The Apostle”, for two outstanding Robert Duvall meditations on religion in America.

What. The mako was one of the best things of Mass Effect, what made it closer to Starflight or Star Control 2. It's the reason why there is only one Mass Effect game and the rest are overpriced DLCs. You hater of fun.

How dare you.

This was a really fun movie, but what kicked it up a notch for me was that there were a couple major points where I was sure what story beats we were going to get, but things got subverted - for starters, I was sure Andy would die, setting up Nile to pick up where she left off in a sequel that wouldn’t have to budget

The 2017 Power Rangers turned out a lot better than I expected, sans the weirdly overbearing Krispy Kreme product placement.

Start with “Be right Back” in season 2. It stars Haley Atwell so that alone is great, but the whole episode is beautiful and haunting. The second season 2 episode “White Bear" makes a great follow up, particularly for how radically different it is. Then skip to White Christmas and just move onto season 3. 

Warriors Revolution: What if we play basketball based on absurd 3-point shooting and spacing, creating openings with swift ball movement and requiring defenses to guard shots previously thought impossible? We’ll play with a small, quick lineup, that will outpace slower, larger players, making them either lose on

At what point do we scrap this experiment, amputate his arm and fashion a sort of basketball catapult for him to use?

Have you ever seen Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, The Lonely Island’s 2016 mockumentary about a very specific kind of post-Obama cultural success? It’s a good movie.

My friend and I were talking about this, and we get a certain 04 Pistons vibe out of this series, with how the central division team is tearing apart the heretofore invincible California team that wears yellow/gold and is having a lot of crap going on outside of the gym, and would have already won the series if not

To be fair, from what I’ve heard, the video game tie-in for X-Men Origins: Wolverine was pretty good.

So, I’m not Dante3000, but I’ve worked almost exclusively for startup companies for my entire professional career, and I have Thoughts(tm) on Venture Capitalism.

My five, none of which our three intrepid selectors chose.

That nightclub one where Marky Mark gets deputized and goes after the Russian mob is butt.

This weekend my best friend from college is being ordained a priest, so there won’t be much in the way of gaming! It will be a fairly packed weekend. Come Monday I will resume my play-through of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Soon as I saw it on Game Pass I knew I had to replay it. And the game still holds up

Y’know what I want? I want a film about Bowie’s pop make-over in the 80's. Everyone and their mother goes for Ziggy or Berlin. I want to get inside his head when he decided to try appealing to mainstream audiences.

Supposedly it all started in the late seventies when Bowie fired his manager, but his contract

I’d say around the coda to the first major story arc for Imperial Agent.