it’s more than just red tape preventing EVs from being used as grid storage, it’s also a logistics and public safety issue.
it’s more than just red tape preventing EVs from being used as grid storage, it’s also a logistics and public safety issue.
Being pro-union doesn’t mean being ignorantly in favor of every thing every union does. The UAW is probably the best example out there of a bad union that’s bad for its workers and bad for communities. I’ve worked in plants that were part-union (they basically switched to using only temp labor to avoid having more…
That’s fair, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. Sometimes it’s worth reaching out for YOU nevermind them, because you’ll feel better about things or get some closure or won’t leave things unsaid. There’s a balance between living your values and not leaving regrets that will tip differently in every situation for…
I can sometimes see them, but sometimes not, and I can’t reply to them, my own replies often cannot be linked and following links in my notifications tab doesn’t actually take me to the comment. It’s becoming a complete mess-- a terrible case of bit rot where functionality is breaking regularly, never being fixed and…
Like any kind of niche hobby product investing, I think the biggest caveat is “don’t get into it expecting it to be a money maker. If you’re already into it, then you could make a little money, enough to offset the cost of your hobby collection and perhaps, if you are lucky and have some business sense, turn a small…
it should be noted that does not apply in Japan.
That’s fair, but honestly the problem is there’s a ton of great content in the greys too, because no one seems to be actively un-greying people anymore. It shouldn’t be an exclusive club, I’ve been posting meaningful, content-engaging non-troll content on a weekly basis on each of the sites and I’ve only been ungreyed…
The difference is the men you reference tend to do it in the realms of finance, ultimately meaningless apps and high-end consumer goods. She was making a medical product that caused real harm to real people.
I think it’s a little of A little of B, he did what he could despite knowing there was no chance a federal court wouldn’t block it. But by doing so he uses one of the big levers he has to force the issue by dangling it out there and making the other side yank it back.
no but presidents enact orders they know will never survive court challenge all the time. In some cases it’s tactical, they hope that it will last long enough to have an effect, in other cases it’s political so they can claim they really want to solve the problem but those meanies won’t let them.
It’s just ignorant to pretend a company who wants my personal data to better sell me dish soap and a government that want to use it to make sure I am not friends with dissidents or expressing unpopular opinions are in the same galaxy, let alone ballpark. Data privacy in the west is a problem, yes, but no one’s being…
it’s insane that Inflation being bad is taken as a bad thing to be Avoided At All Costs. It’s bad for the elite, it’s GREAT for the average American— in moderation.
About mass shootings and gun violence, context is very very important. If you do not involve yourselves in drug culture, and don’t spend time with criminals, you reduce your liklihood of being a homicide victim SEVERAL THOUSAND PERCENT. The numbers look bad, yes, but most gun violence is, essentially, a consensual…
Shoutout to Jetlag Travel’s parody travel guides, which haven’t always aged really well but are quite funny— about the fictional countries of San Sombrero (a parody of banana republics with tourist economies), Molvania (a parody of former soviet central European countries), and Phaic Tan (A parody southeast asian…
that’s the problem, the Scientology policy of “fair game” means they absolutely HAVE done this before, and that poisons the well. For a long time the list of people who survived standing up to the church was pretty small, far more ended up humiliated due to blackmail material or outright fabricated claims, committing…
I think it’s deeper than that, it’s a fundamental disconnect in values. In most of the west to most people things like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are positive words, they are seen in an inherently positive light. That is not true of Japan where they are considered neutral at best and negative things at…
I’m sick and tired of the trope that murderers automatically suffer from some mental health disorder. In fact, the vast majority do not. You’re making the mistake of conflating “behaving in a societally unacceptable manner” with “diagnosable mental illness” and that’s just not accurate.
Well if there is a plea agreement in place and he already pled it would take some extraordinary circumstances for a judge to toss the agreement and go their own way— it HAS happened but usually only in highly unusual and exceptional cases (such as where an agreement is made and then evidence of a total lack of remorse…
we need to re-enact laws against champerty (funding other people’s lawsuits) so powerful PACs can’t step into routine custody matters as a culture war statement.
I think you’re really projecting a lot onto what is a very sensible statement-- someone who had the means to defend themselves wouldn’t have been victimized.