
I don’t think it’s very accurate to say that the founding fathers couldn’t have comprehended people being able to carry around firearms, pistols have existed since the 1400s. And it’s irrelevant to the debate. The real question is not if technology has changed but if society has changed, and if it’s no longer a net

Do you really want Squenix to turn into Atlus though? milking the everloving shit out of every property with remasters, re-releases, late cross-platform releases and tie-ins?

it’s not so much a question as it’s not a legally reportable certainty until the prosecutor files the charges, and which charges are filed are dependent on a lot of details: whether anyone was in the building, if the state hate crime statutes require an attack on a person or if property damage can qualify, the amount

Whether something can be charged as a felony is a complex question of law, they’re using hedging language because it’s not certain a given act qualifies.  Arson is, obviously, a felony, but which felony depends on whether the business was occupied, if there was a fire started inside or just fire damage (E.g. if

I’m going to take the opposite view here. Launchers are as old as gaming, back when you had to tell the program some basics about the hardware environment it was about to run in or it would crash and take your OS with it (remember having to selection soundBlaster, AdLib, PC Speaker or custom for your sound? and

Steam allows you to create direct launch icons on your desktop.

Yeah, it’s nonsense because it doesn’t account for baseline behavior. The actual method used by interrogators for the government is “a cluster of three or more indicative signs in close succession or simultaneously may be indicative of a change in mental state” (not even necessarily lying, it could just be heightened

This is straight up bad advice. There are signs that someone is being deceptive but the idea that there are universal tells is completely and utterly debunked.

The theoretical argument is used in this case because the other party was arguing that damages were “inevitable”— if there are many possible outcomes that don’t result in a harm, then the harm is not inevitable.

There are many outcomes of a court ruling being appealed. In this case the ruling was made on a technical matter of law, basically the federal court said “we don’t like it but our reading of the law forces us to rule this way” that “forces us to” was appealed to the supreme court, who overturned that precedent and

I don’t think that ‘convincing’ was involved, he’s just following the well-worn path of, well, basically everyone kicked of twitter for posting racist and antisemitic content-- either buying out an existing minor competitor or starting their own with or without blackjack and hookers.

At this point scientology is basically unable to recruit in their own name, their “celebrity strategy” failed completely. A few of the bigwigs like to have hollywood celebrities around but they no longer are recruiting actively for famous people.

This is a really tough one.  On one hand yes, scientology has a very negative reputation and it’s fair to wonder if a jury would convict someone for being a member, presuming they did *something* bad as part of the “church”.  On the other, they earned that reputation the hard way, by having an official policy of

kind of like wassailing but for haloween I approve!


I see nothing wrong with this. Mothers have a duty to protect their children. If they choose to bring a dangerous person into their home, then choose to cooperate in acts of abuse, they’re guilty of neglect and abuse. Period. full stop. They are adults making choices, the children are innocent bystanders. Being scared

I’m a simple person, I see Airplane! I upvote.

That’s what I use and I find that because it has so much flavor you end up using quite a lot less (unless it’s being used as a cooking medium), end result is fewer calories overall because you can use it sparingly.

the real question for the midwest is do you put cheese on the apple pie?

yeah, I’m not really down with the Neon Genesis Evanelion angel babies look.