
That was my thought, acrylic letters with polished bases and frosted fronts, some X-channel aluminum with an LED or EL cable run down it, and there you go, the letters sit in the channel and the light from below is bounced around and glows out the front like a light pipe

it’s not a replacement for forums, it’s a method for real-time and asynchronous communication for groups.  The appeal is largely voice channels, the ability to have private rooms and locked channels, and the ability to easily post all kinds of media.

ah yes, the danganronpa theology

That sounds like a good way to get my ass beat by a gang of juggalos.

There was this one grindhouse flick I totally forget the name but its trailer made fun of that trope, by interviewing some “hippy chick” (it was a 70s movie) who was enthusing happily about how she threw up so much she couldn’t use the provided cup and had to throw up in her purse and offered to show it to the

The last time I was shaking and vomiting in a theater, I was seeing the live action Cat in the Hat.

In the story in question said marine was pulled off the freeway at a gas station when he heard a very familiar sound he couldn’t quite place, until he realized it was an AK-47-- time to jump back in the car and hope what little gas you just put in can get you to a truckstop out of the warzone.

Ghost Master belongs on the list-- it’s a flawed gem but there’s nothing quite like it and the entire aesthetic is so good, the gameplay has rough spots (the NPC AI is sometimes frustrating, some missions have moments that get tedious) but it’s well worth a play especially because it’s like 10 bucks or less on steam

I know a retired marine who says he’d rather go back to Iraq than back to Gary, Indiana. I don’t know about you but sure, creaking stairs and heavy breathing are scary things to hear in the night— but they don’t top the sound of not-all-that-distant AK-47 fire.

I just went to the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute museum to see a friend today, and they have a bunch of relics from Megiddo there. We got to discussing the hill of Megiddo and how it was the source of the term Armageddon. It felt especially relevant

I have worked fast food, taco bell, at some VERY busy locations (university campuses) and ones that saw serious burst volume (only food open in town at bar time in a medium-sized Wisconsin town), so there’s my bona fides.

it seems that prepaid through an actual carrier is unaffected because they’re indistinguishable from a contract plan from the same carrier.  It mostly affects Google Fi and cheap MNVOs that resell service from a range of host carriers.

I make in that range and use prepaid through Verizon. If you have the money to pay cash for your phone why would you buy an overpriced phone plan that builds in the cost of offering leases as its major benefit?

Suicide is not like violence. One symptom of a lot of mental conditions is hyperfixation— seeing a depiction of suicide can cause you to start playing it on a loop in your head, which results in you being desensitized to the idea of self-harm, which lowers the barrier to making an impulsive decision.

If you’re light-sensitive epileptic then you should not be playing video games. There is no safe way to do so.

my school did a very invasive sex-and-drugs survey my sophmore year.

If you believe the results our straight-laced valedictorian had twelve sex partners ages 10 to 80 with whom she was regularly engaging in wild, kinky chemsex.

I, myself, put down every old, obsolete drug I could think of and encouraged my friends to

I disagree, the economics of whether time-sharing systems/mainframes/cloud/whatever the next hype term will be versus individual computers is superior is going to go back and forth over time.

I see no indication anywhere that this random bus company has ties to them, surely if they did they wouldn’t have had to buy the buses they’d have just used them.

an OEM wouldn’t put their livery on it, just to make them repaint it as soon as it was sold, OEMs either put your livery on it for a fee or sell it plain.