
same here, I find having some water first is key, too.  Now part of that is I’ve always had a naturally dry mouth, just part of how I’m built and the consequences of an underbite that can’t be corrected without resectioning my jaw, but I find making sure your throat is moist really helps. 

The problem there is evidence. They’re probably not gathering the kind of data that would prove someone’s account is using mods because that would require low-level network analytics, and it would be incredibly hard to “sell” to a jury.

no, they’ll be given more modern drugs that do the same thing but don’t have the risk.

I would have to know more about these cases. Methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug, it has TONS of consequences, as a result it is no longer the favored first (which are monoclonal antibodies) or even second line treatment for rhumatoid arthritis and lupus.

“Just vote” is a problem because the democratic party had almost 50 years, including periods in which they had strong majorities and the presidency at the same time, to codify abortion rights. Instead for a very long time they decided it was better to fundraise off fears of losing abortion rights than to actually

There’s a good reason that in New York mob guys, mob associates and the family of mobsters owned a lot of dealerships (for a while Sonny Franzese even owned a few as his “legit” business while he ran the gas scam, he even fixed and resold cars while he was an associate before he got straightened out)— the business is

I prefer to think of it as a man who died doing what he loved to do.  You don’t go through the expense and the rigors of a touring life because your high school councilor said that insurance actuary or jet-truck pilot/driver were two good career paths and you decided on the jet-truck.  You do it because you love it

Someone doesn’t go through the significant expense and effort, not to mention danger, of building and operating a truck powered by enough jets to lift a decent-sized jet bomber simply for other people’s amusement— they do it because of their own motivations typically, and go into entertainment because jet fuel isn’t

Also, it forgets how much the automobile changed the face of America, as well as what mobility truly means.

I’ve been following the court since my college days when I was majoring in legal studies and... yeah you pretty much nailed it. He was, quite frankly, the ideal of a supreme court justice because he was a solid workman of the law. He reliably sided with the liberal wing of the court, his opinions were dry, yes, but

THIS, so much this. People don’t realize how much being raised in, or even surrounded by from a young age, a culture that totally normalizes a lot of horrific behavior, but is also at its heart 100% based around objectifying women (and men too, for that matter) and treating human beings as investments and

the BEST trailer is the mashup of 50 shades trailer with Police Squad.  it’s amazing

You can’t expect the rest of the world to have the US’ mores, Russia’s penalties are in line with much of the world when it comes to drugs, in some places she’d be facing execution.

That’s pretty much where I am. I believe that unless there is a real, non-hypothetical risk created, full inclusion and equal treatment is essential. But there are two things I just can’t bend on—

It’s not just about winning. A sport like rugby has legitimate safety concerns in play that justify an extreme level of caution. Introducing athletes that have measurably higher bone density alone into a sport that is incredibly high-contact might create a real risk of injuries. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to

It looks like one of the endgame levels from Powerwashing Simulator.

The pro is that it’s easier for teams without really deep pocket books to afford a top driver if there’s a maximum they can be paid. You don’t have to worry about a competitor with more money buying out anyone you could potentially be interested in. Allowing upcapped salaries basically means the best driver goes to

You can wear whatever you want and be very safe— if you follow the rules of the road and walk only when it’s legal and safe to do so.

I don’t think that it’s so trivial to change fundamental things that are heavily ingrained into us, tied to evolutionary psychology and culture.

the #1 lesson when you design products is while you can be aspirational, you have to deal with the world as it is not as you wish it were.  If people have preferences it’s

The problem is, people prefer female AI.  Both men and women routinely prefer female voices for all kinds of virtual assistants.  Part of this is no doubt tied up in cultural factors and sexism, but the physics of sound also matter (higher pitched voices are more intelligible, especially through interference).