
in the soviet union failure to achieve production quotas, errors or mistakes were often prosecuted under Article 58 of the Soviet Penal Code.

They can fire him, absolutely, whether that’s good policy or will just result in people not wanting to work for a place that will can you for one good-faith mistake after years of service is a decision the business has to make.

Unless there’s a special clause in his case, for the most part employers can fire you, but you are not liable for the financial losses of mere “errors and omissions”— only malicious or intentional actions.

This routinely happens to men, and it doesn’t even make the news.  It’s disgusting that people only start calling for the laws to change once women are affected, because, you know, male sexual assault victims just don’t count.

HIPPA only applies to health providers and insurers. Many people misunderstand this. It doesn’t apply to you and me, or reporters, or employers (unless they self-insure), or private investigators, or basically anyone else.

my pithy summary is that saying that the game until the predatory part is fun is basically a fish saying “this worm is really great, I’ll just eat until I get to the hooks then I’ll stop”. 

I am talking about NFTs, non-fungible tokens. Most crypto is fungible in that a BTC is a BTC, they have no unique data in them, they have no data in them at all except their own ID.  Industrial uses typical use non-fungible tokens or smart contracts, not “naked” blockchain tokens.  NFTs take a blockchain token and

NFTs are not JPEGS, they are data. In their current scam iteration most of the time that data is a hyperlink to an image on some hosting site (note it would cost millions to actually put the JPEG itself into the blockchain, so most of the time the data actually written to the blockchain is just a URL of an image host

Honestly, I think the core philosophy is a great one, tying it to so many other things (including anti-science ideas like “less chemicals!”) was the mistake.

I disagree in that industrial NFT is going to be huge and a lot of major players are quietly betting on it behind the scenes. But at the same time I doubt 99.9% of people will ever “buy” a raw NFT. Instead there will be NFTs attached to controlled drugs they buy which track them from raw pharmaceutical material to

The idea of a game and what NFTs are good for is entirely at odds. Games are centralized— they have one company running servers for code the company knows intimately. You don’t ever need to exchange assets across a trust barrier, which is where NFTs shine, because the proof is in the math, you don’t need to trust the

it’s a little more nuanced than that. Valve said their estimates were that 90 or more percent of all the transactions would involve fraud— people using cloned gift cards or stolen credit card numbers to buy NFT.

I’m far from a piracy absolutist, I agree with you about abandonware and things that are made unavailable by the creators, in fact I think that there needs to be serious changes to the law and I really don’t have a problem with piracy in that case because it preserves our cultural legacy. I imagine what a world would

But that sort of IS the point in that games are cheaper than ever, prices haven’t remotely kept up with inflation— games are the same 60 bucks they were in 1997.  Plus tons of them are being given away, epic games store has a giveaway constantly, right now it’s all three Bioshock games with all DLC, plus there’s tons

I’m not hardcore anti-piracy, but I also generally believe no one is entitled to steal luxury goods just because they want to have them.  That said, some publishers engage in such relentless anticonsumer practices and are widely renowned for releasing products that some people find unplayable and in those cases I

Any random company who sponsors a stunt is not expected to be an expert on aviation law and the legal aspects of flying a plane. Any given PILOT is expected, as part of their licensing, to be aware of these things.

I never thought I’d see the day that autocorrect actually impacts national politics.

It’s about microsoft’s market penetration, they want to capture the low end of the market which is now underserved and mostly owned by Nintendo. Also, service sales are huge, as you pointed out. Someone that buys a used game and then buys some DLC for it is still paying microsoft, even if gamestop takes a cut. On top

in the real world “believe women” means that all allegations should be taken seriously, it doesn’t mean women are holy, blameless creatures who would never, ever lie.

Oh blockchains ARE the internet, sort of, but in the worst possible way.