
Yeah but shitting on gamestop, as well as their wildly bad take on what happened with the short squeeze and who benefited is telling.  Remember: used game consoles and used games are a critical part of making gaming accessible to people who can’t drop 500 bucks on a toy and then 60 bucks on every game. Gamestop,

I don’t know about that, it’s an important part of microsoft’s vertical strategy to get their consoles to people.  It’s easy to forget that used games and used consoles are often the only accessible ones to a huge chunk of America that can’t dump 500 bucks on a toy. 

A lot of the poor state of public transit is diagetic— it’s actually part of the setting— In the cyberpunk setting the rich don’t even use cars for the most part, they use AVs, the VTOL transports you see in the corpo opener and a few other missions. Also Night City doesn’t work in the same way a modern city does.

Marriages are hard, unlike a lot of other things in life there’s no way to learn all you need to by reading up on how to do it right— because what’s “right” requires some uncomfortable introspection, communication, and emotional honesty, and that takes a lot of growth both personal and as a couple.

don’t hate the player, hate the game. These corporations have, ultimately, little choice if they want a survivable business climate but to buy a seat at the table. That’s how modern American politics works. You can’t blame them for deciding to donate knowing that if they don’t they could be legislated out of existence

that’s why I ultimately think this is a nonstarter. Religion isn’t carte blanche to do anything, they restrict religions from all kinds of things all the time. Basically the only laws that courts have found mutable when it comes to religious exceptions are some drug laws, and even then only in narrow ways and only for

Honestly, I understand it’s a major platform for younger people but I don’t think tik-tok activism is going to work. The platform isn’t interested in it, and it’s even MORE opaque than youtube which is saying a hell of a lot.

This is terrible for science, and humanity at large. Oftentimes these artifacts go back to places ill-equipped to preserve them, with no interest in making them available to scientific study. In many cases the places they go back to are not interested in accurate accounts of history, only propaganda (see: egypt, most

That’s kinda where I am, the bottom is falling out of the NFT market, I find the idea potentially interesting, I’d go in for ten bucks. I’m not even ABLE to go in at ten thousand, and I haven’t been snorting enough hopium to think that’s a remotely good idea.

But for a couple of bucks I might give it a go. I have

Other things that have a very strong correlation:

The number of Nicholas Cage movies released that year correlates to the number of deaths by drowning from falling into a swimming pool.

except it’s on the dark web, basically, so someone could just as easily put up something illegal and now you have a big problem.

that’s not the relevant part though, the NEXT paragraph is the relevant bit. Looking through the corpspeak, the real story is they just didn’t know how to handle these non-Japanese properties and couldn’t make them profitable, so they’re ditching them. They’re going to get rid of them to focus on what they know how to

yes but the reverse is true, they COULD give you permission.  But you can sell an NFT WHETHER OR NOT they give you permission.  It’s about whether you need them to set up a marketplace for you or not.

If this was being reported fairly they’d at least report why Square/Enix thinks that there’s a future in this. If you think any significant-sized Japanese company made a move like this without six months of very serious men in conservative suits writing reports about it and analyzing all the angles, I’ve got some NFTs

HIPPA only applies to providers, it doesn’t stop me from talking about you, or you about me, or anything else, or companies that are not licensed healthcare providers.

NOW, I think you might be able to make a good argument in court that if any cell phones are being used as a medical device the manufacturer and live

Justice should be blind but should not have amnesia, your prior actions and a long history of baseless claims is perfectly valid to be held against you.

that’s the thing about peanut butter.  It is the all-consumer destroyer of flavors.  Anything you add even a little to anything and you just taste peanuts.

I must scream. but there’s peanut butter on the roof of my mouth.

I think there’s a HUGE part of this missing, critical thinking takes energy! Your brain is the single biggest metabolic consumer of energy in the body for most people (that aren’t atheletes, etc). Starve someone and you’re cutting off fuel to their brain. In fact diets THIS extreme also often lack important nutrients,

They’re a big win for gamers, it forces devs to at least make sure you’re not going to hit enough bugs or broken features to turn you off for two whole hours.