
Oh boo hoo poor devs won’t be able to release half-finished trash, shallow “I heard looter-shooters are hot lets make it a looter-shooter” copycats, and blatantly untested and unbalanced crap anymore. Poor them.

I don’t think a few days of work every few years is unreasonable if you want to continue making money from your app.

Oh there are plenty out there, PLENTY.  Full emulation can fix a lot of it, but there are games that if you want to run them well you basically need to have a legacy gaming PC around.  Big streamers that focus on retro gaming often build a PC, or several, using parts and software of the desired era.

Legacy support can RAPIDLY become a boat anchor around the neck of any team maintaining an operating system. In addition to having to constantly stave off bit rot and constraining your future development, there’s often security implications— it’s not for nothing that many of the most devastating wide-spread exploits

You fight, so what if a bill will be voted down, there’s no double-jeopardy rule you don’t have to only take one shot ever— get it on the agenda anyway, give it a really catchy name and make your enemies fillibuster the “american freedom act” put in some nonpartisan or widely popular clauses and make them explain to

I think the reason he’s become their poster boy is because he’s one of the few men with any kind of fame who has EVER come forward about being abused in an intimate relationship.  he’s the one that’s in the public eye, even if he’s not really a great example, and at BEST you can paint a mutually abusive toxic

I’ve been posting substantial comments for YEARS, often a few times a day, Jezebel is the last site I’m still grey on and I have no idea why.

ultralights are amazing, learning on one makes you a much better pilot, and they are a good low-cost entry to the sport. On top of that they have an inherent safety factor that makes them the lowest fatality-to-time ratio of any personal vehicle.

I fully support this, but I think their numbers should be put in context.

That is true to some extent, but also not. Brain research on dogs has shown that dogs display juvenile behaviors their entire life compared to other canine species. Basically in exchange for their adaptability and intelligence we’ve bred them to be “childlike” and dependent.

That doesn’t mean you should treat them

I 100% disagree, focusing on medical abortions sends the exact wrong message to people on the fence who are being fed propaganda lies that abortion is too fast, too easy and too painless and that it’s become so much so people use it as de facto birth control.

you don’t get high but it definitely can produce a pronounced anti-anxiety effect, and for someone in chronic pain, suddenly not being in pain is the best high in the world.  I swear the highest I ever “felt” was when I had severe sciatica and a sprained back muscle, and the CBD kicked in, just not being in agony and

A great list, though I would offer a few caveats:

If a game is fun and likeable, then the liquidity is there, look at Counterstrike skins or any other functioning game marketplace, the demand is there and money comes in. It CAN work.

And that’s the problem with using a real, actual game with real, actual production values (not something hacked together in a weekend using unity store assets or a glorified flash game)— the lead time is just too great for it to work for a flash fad that has the bottom already falling out.

emulation is perfectly legal and protected, that’s how a lot of MMO resurrections survive. It’s a tight line to walk, you can even monetize an emulator if you want, but you need to use blackbox design and have to be very careful in how you build the system and how you interact with the client software.

alternate take— modern copyright law is something totally alien to history and is bad for all of us. Shakespeare could not have written his plays under the modern copyright scheme, and that’s an indictment of the copyright laws not Shakespeare.

On top of that, games have become part of our cultural legacy, allowing

This is a phase decaying societies go through, the soviets called it the “geriatric pause” and the joke being whispered in back corners was “In the corrupt monarchy power was passed from father to son, in the glorious soviet union it is passed from grandfather to grandfather” (in Russian the word “grandfather” can be

I’m with you. I don’t get the attraction to “pain flavored” hot sauce. Hot sauces with that kind of heat level rarely taste all that good. They tend to have an extreme chemical acridness from the level of active compounds. 

oh, it does.  Endogenous opioids and endorphins are effective but they’re not THAT effective.  Just like if you take an advil you still feel pain, just more muted than you would otherwise, you’re experiencing less pain than you would otherwise-- which is saying something!