It does indeed, you can buy it online or get it at burger king, unsure where else. Haven’t seen it in any local grocery stores.
It does indeed, you can buy it online or get it at burger king, unsure where else. Haven’t seen it in any local grocery stores.
I think it’s important to note in most cases it IS a procedural violation and an employer infraction that’s capable of getting you fired. I feel like it’s also important to point out even in those states there may be MANY circumstances in which it is illegal already, as well. But tt isn’t, in some states,…
Cherry coke is still the same formula plus cherry which is a combination that people have been making in bars probably as long as cola syrup and cherry syrup have existed.
Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s going to work well... sure you can crack the software and that’ll work for end users but that’s not the real impact of sanctions like this... it’s on the tech stack of companies.
Good luck with your bootleg IBM mainframe license, they’ll just turn your CPUs off, good luck with…
More and more places are carrying it, but chains have had an active movement which lead to it being more visible, a few diabetes organizations had a program that was reaching out to franchise companies and asking them to make zero-sugar alternatives more widespread, and to expand the diet selection to drinks that kids…
Except he did hand them a victory. He caused immense fear in the community, on par with a real hate crime. He made it so that it’s harder for real victims to be believed. And lets not forget, he could have put two black men behind bars for their part in this.
It’s equally probable that he’s a malignant narcissist who feels absolutely no shame over this because he felt like he was doing what “felt true” to him, you’d be amazed at the way people can twitch logic around in their own head.
I can’t agree with the narrative that this is a victimless, nonviolent crime. Besides the fear and panic it caused, he was so committed to the lie you can’t tell me if they hauled in someone for a lineup he wouldn’t have just picked somebody out at random and pinned the crime on them, forcing an innocent person to…
good news is at least here in Chicagoland coke zero (and other “zero” products) are becoming rather widespread— Coke zero is at about half the sit-down chains around here, and at about a quarter of the fast food places— including restaurant specialties like Surge Zero at Burger King (and even though it’s Pepsi, Baja…
it’s confusing, not just because it varies by state and locality but also because a lot of people mistake corporate POLICY (which is usually to not use even a fraction of their potential powers for fear of liability suits) with the law.
Even further complicating matters is that shopkeeper privilege has a LOT less…
Vote third party? maybe just not vote.
shopkeeper privilege allows a business to detain you for the purpose of summoning the police in the US in most cases.
The US would detain him in accordance with US law... Russia is detaining her in accordance with Russian law.
Don’t go to despotic nations if you’re not willing to take the risks. And breaking the law while you’re there is not a good life strategy.
we are a net exporter. Most imports of russian oil are re-exported as refined product. It’s basically economical to use excess capacity and centralize refining when the price of Russian oil makes that economically sound.
There’s something to be said for perspective. People are shortsighted, huge global problems are hard to conceptualize. Basically everyone who has been into outer space has remarked that their outlook on life and the planet was changed by that experience, convincing rich people to actually give a shit about the…
Yeah, it’s definitely “80s filtered through John Hughes movies and pop culture” not “the real 80s”-- with the classism, brutal bullying culture that no adults really cared about stopping which often extended into physical abuse, casual homophobia, etc.
Agreed, they also usually have a radically warped view of the era they’re pining for. I doubt most of those would-be deadheads realized the average hippy in the street was PRO-war, or at least in favor of US intervention in Vietnam, until mainstream culture started to shift as well.
I feel like EVERY generation does this to some extent. I think it feels a little more stark because Gen-X did it less than most, but basically every recent generation has looked at the one before it as a time of (relative) prosperity and peace and “simpler times”.
this is a great point. Focusing on feedback and how they handle feedback. A better question tailored a bit to my field would be how they approach when things haven’t gone well, because any IT department will have disasters on occasion. You’re looking for signs of a blame-focused culture or a scapegoat culture where…
I don’t think that’s good advice, if you do that too often you’re going to find it harder and harder as you rack up a number of short-term stints. If you need a job now, any job, then by all means, avoid anything that might spook anyone no matter how toxic or bad the manager or culture.