
there’s a reason that another, less-PC name for “whataboutism” is “and in america you lynch!” because any time anyone would say anything about human rights in the Soviet Union they’d bring up lynching as a way to distract from their man-made famines, gulags, secret police, etc, etc.

There was a judge punished for it but I think he was brilliant.

He ordered the lawyers of a class action that resulted in a settlement where customers were given coupons for sandwhiches to be PAID in coupons. If the customers don’t get cash, the lawyers don’t either.  They got their multi-million dollar fee paid in

liquid piston rotary, variable geometry, there’s a lot of interesting theoretical potentials.

Talking about rebuy of things you already own is always going to be a pain point for consumers, for good reason.  Cars aren’t like that.

It depends on whether the car they can get for the price they can pay can do what they need, and how much of their life they’ll have to compromise if they choose the vehicle that can’t do what they need.

If cutting gas taxes is needed to lessen the public impact, and thus increase public support, for hard sanctions against Russia-- then burn baby burn, drop it to zero if you have to, hell subsidize gas if you have to if that’s what it takes.

That is true, or that you can kill or suppress them. or evade them somehow. I mean it’s a military weapon, if it was EASY to kill it they wouldn’t use them or they’d fix whatever made them easy to kill.

I was curious about this myself, it’s NOT easy stuff to get rid of, and it can even be dangerous, because it’s flammable.  Most washers and dryers will warn you no petroleum products.  Not a big deal if you just have a little on your shirt from putting vaseline on a paper cut or a hangnail, but a potential big deal if

a construction hard hat or even bicycle helmet will work.

You would actually be pretty surprised at how easy it is to approach an unsupported (no infantry with them) armored vehicle. If they’re “buttoned up” with the hatches closed they have large blind spots and poor sight lines up close. Especially in urban terrain, a lesson the world actually learned most recently

To be honest, I think that for most people, less is more. most people would get far more out of washing their face an extra time a day with mild soap, watching their sun exposure and staying well-hydrated than out of 500 bucks worth of serums and creams.

that is a fun reaction!  it’s a go-to demonstration for a reason (partially because unlike other reaction mixes that do similar things done at a sane scale and in a fume hood there’s no danger at all and the ingredients are cheap to any science department, compared to a more exotic mix or using sulfuric acid instead

it’s better than nothing if you have more eggs than you can use, or might anticipate being unable to go shopping for a while.  Remember that there are still parts of the country where winter snowfall means you might spend a while between grocery runs.  Families in such situations often shop in bulk and have large deep

pretty much. If you’re not a soapmaker you aren’t likely to find a great many uses for glycerin around the house that nothing else will do. Which is why I find it astounding they forgot the biggest one!

I think this really is written for someone who has a bit of a drive.  Remember that much of the country a 30-40 minute drive is not abnormal for a grocery store.  Even my parents who are what’s considered “close” to a large midwestern city have a 20-minute trip. On the other hand if I hit the two lights in the way

In Japan it’s very different, almost ALL cases are confessions.  How legitimate that makes them is a very valid and open question (police are strongly suspected to use coercion and even force)

Exactly, make no bones about it, if the international community does not respond with military force this doesn’t end until he reaches a nuclear country that can protect themselves-- the nearest one being France.

Or giving them back their nukes we TOOK in exchange for promises from Russia not to do this, and promises from the US to intervene if Russia attacked.

The difference is those countries are SOVEREIGN and ASKED, they have every right to do that.

the “threats to russia” have largely been in the form of punching someone in the nose, and then when they protect themselves “you’re attacking me!”