
Serious answer that all progressives/leftists, or even just anyone that is sick of the culture of impunity for the upper class should care about — these two cases are things coming of themselves. They don’t need to lead to anything else to be inherently good.

(good username)

Turns out, the wall was inside him the whole time!

I don’t know who Logic is but I find his shirt to be very offensive to Roger Waters and friends.

what does attraction have to do with anything? Such a hypocrite.

No, it’s the age old double standard. Violence by my side is justified. Violence by their side is unmitigated evil.

“I’m guessing those who believe antifa are ‘violent’ like actual fascists have never been to one of these events see that the police are always the provacateurs and will violently defend white supremacists from their own citizens.”

Well, at least we have a bunch of new videos of antifa being assholes.

While nice that the size of the crowds managed to terrify the racists into staying away, actually demonstrating peacefully would have been much better.  Nonviolence works for a reason.

So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.

your car is a deadly weapon, the driver had just used it to hit another car, I am 100% okay with the police officer drawing his weapon on the driver of the car.

this is why i come here... fascinating.

Oh man, that sounds like an interesting study actually.  I don’t suppose you have a link or just the title of the paper I could look up?  Did it make it to a journal? that might help as well (though it’s been a while, I think my alumnus privileges include library journal subscription access).

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

You’re SO pathetic, you don’t chase down Warren to blood test her “high cheek boned - Native American heritage”...by which she lied her way into harvard....but you photo stalk pictures of Flotus...if you had a meaningful life you wouldn’t have time nor interest in photography speculation.

Mystery Men remains my favorite super hero movie, even after all these years. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but there are certain lines and scenes in it that I absolutely adore.

“Lorraine, god gave me a gift... I shovel well, I shovel very well.”

“Honey, you shovel better than any man I’ve ever known. You’re a good


Already happened by the time you posted it.

Gifting someone who makes $30k/yr a $100k luxury car or a $1M luxury house will actually fuck them over with taxes and maintenance that they cant afford past the first week of ownership. You would ideally get them something dependable and cheap to maintain (corolla, versa, etc)... an Altima would be considered a nice

I can tell you one way to find out what the podcast says, but you’re not gonna like it.