
Ummm - I was watching Fox News today and the “reportedly related” reference is a reference to the pipe bombs being related (probably) - not that they were related to restaurant protestors. With that said, since we don’t know who mailed the bombs and why (or even if they are real or not), we don’t know what the

I think that we all know this was done by the Russians in an attempt to manipulate the election....

Strange - I haven’t them calling for bombing, shooting, or otherwise harming anyone. I did her Republicans (including Senate Majority Leader, Vice President, President, Speaker of the House, etc.) condemn the these acts - like their Democrat counterparts.   

What was proven was that Miranda had information that she shouldn’t have had. What was unproven and unclear was if Kavanaugh actually knew of her actions.

Could luck only paying the 24% federal tax. You’ll owe more so better hang on to some of it and don’t blow it all in Vegas.

Above the law? How is Kavanaugh above the law? No one proved anything or provided any evidence whatsoever outside on one person’s uncorroborated testimony.

Oh hold on there - first of all “mob” is an offensive term now and you must use the proper “mass” reference. And in terms of being rammed through, you can look at Susan Collins’ thorough and lucid statement on the Senate floor prior to the vote to see the extensive process that Kavanaugh went through.

Ummm who changed the rules? Who invoked the nuclear option and was warned by the opposing political party when he did?

I think that he’s right - he can probably beat her DNA results.

I get my news from multiple sources as it is no secret that everyone panders to their base - that includes main stream media (not just politicians) as they need to generate ad revenue, which is greatly assisted by 1) having a large customer base (obviously) and 2) a customer base with known/reliable demographics,

I have two of the previous models and love them as they are effective, easy to use, and keep my headphones off my desks. I only wish that they were a little stiffer as they can droop/lean with heavier full-size headphones. That can make it easier to knock the headphones off the hook. Hopefully the new version is a

I have two of the previous models and love them as they are effective, easy to use, and keep my headphones off my

LOL - that’s probably the kindest response I’ll get.

Splinter calling out Fox News for bias?!? Now that’s definitely the pot calling the kettle black. 

But absolutely nothing else? Nothing?

Probably because there was a lack of any evidence, whatsoever, and our laws and society are based on ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

Susan Collins did an excellent job articulating her reasoning for her position on the vote, which seemed very sound to me. Just because you don’t like the SCOTUS nomination (for whatever reason), it is no reason to suggest that the speech was bullshit.

Credible allegation? Come again?

I’d like a Siri Shortcut that would tell a contact I’m on my way to their current location and how long it will take. The shortcut described above assumes that they are at their home location.

LOL, So the New York Times calls Shapiro “brilliant polemicist” and a “principled gladiator” but the self-described left-wing policy journal “Current Affairs” disagrees and that is your reference. Yeah - ok. The article boiled down to anyone with conservative beliefs is a fascist, which is completely absurd. It is

Interesting. As opposed to offering any constructive input or position whatsoever, you chose to ignore the question and instantly resort to insults. I take you don’t have a valid response and just needed to offer up an insult to avoid arguing actual facts. It seems like that is likely how Ben picked up the label of