
Right. You don’t WANT children shot. You just provide the means to do it. Look at you, a paragon of virtue!

I don’t think that anyone feels that gun owners want to see children shot, they just don’t care if they are.

And what is “sensible gun regulation”? And how does it predicate the personal beliefs of all unique individuals that are simply bound by nothing other than owning a particular item. If a Republican and a Democrat both own a lawnmower, does that signify that they share common beliefs and values?

You’re off the mark:

God it has got to be hard to be you. All that self-righteousness and supreme intellect bundled in just one body. You’re just awesome man - but I obviously don’t need to tell you that...

And how do you define a “gun nut”?

You’re trying to argue with someone that has an inflexible viewpoint that prevents them from considering opposing opinions. In other words, you’re just wasting your time.

Well, if someone breaks into your house, feel free to handle it how you see fit. Quoting stories to you of how people died even though they were compliant with robbers is probably pointless right?

Awesome! So, if gun ownership (by idiots of course, because no smart person like you would own a gun) results in a high likelihood of getting shot, then this problem will just work itself out and all the idiots in the world will kill themselves. Nice.

You should also be perturbed by articles like this that paint all gun owners as idiots, or racists, or whatever. Are there idiots out there with guns? Yup - sure. I seen them at the gun range waiving their loaded firearm around trying to impress their girlfriends with their recently-acquired YoutTube firearms

Yes, yes, everyone with a gun is an asshole racist, misogynistic, white supremacist and anyone that doesn’t get it is an idiot. Nice. Is there any point to articles as ignorant as this? You could have just saved everyone a long read by saying “I hate guns and gun owners and you should too.”.

It’s not and nobody said it is. Interesting that you’d misinterpret what I said so deliberately! Interesting, but very strange. Can you tell me why you did that?

Oh man - and they say the conspiracy nut jobs are only on the political right...

The facts were investigated and that investigation was subsequently published by the New Yorker. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

Welcome to The Root. Anyone that is white is racist and/or misogynistic. The hate, superiority, and racism here are only equaled by white supremacist websites.

Yeah it was an ignorant comment (or worse), but you get a lot of know-it-alls on the Internet.

Well, look at it this way: The A-Team used to be popular too....

The next time that happens, get yourself a lawyer and sue their ass. There are specific limits on the time, way and reason for which police can detain you. Many people are not aware of this. For example, cops will often say that, if you refuse consent to search your vehicle, that they will call a k-9 unit. They can,

Ah, but see you’re missing the big picture here. When the left uses hate speech against the right, we’re supposed to call it “brave”, “insightful”, “intelligent”, etc. When the right does it against the left, it is “racist”, “misogynistic”, “sexist”, etc.

When I write that God clowned Chris Cillizza before he was born by making him Chris Cillizza instead of a shit-eating maggot, I am being unkind.