
Why do you find it necessary to be a dick?

Well I was trying to decipher Sardonicuss Evocates’ point. Was his/her (without trying to assume a binary gender assignment) point that big money is buying congress (which would include billionaires, corporations, lobbyist, etc.) on both sides of the political spectrum or was the concern just the Koch brothers (or

As the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and you can make a lot more noise and get a lot more attention when you have money. I would think that billionaires, celebrities, corporations, and (of course) the well-funded lobbyist get the attention.

That reminds me... Where is my copy of Das Kapital anyway....

Why just the Koch brothers? Why are you not including people like George Soros?

heaven help us when these wack jobs actually figure out how to make IEDs successfully...

So, you’re telling us how to go from bad to worse? And why would we want to do that? Every platform is going to have issues. Apple has had some major screw ups lately, but it was even bigger issues with Windows that pushed me to Apple to begin with. We all know that Apple will come around, get their act together, and

It is different for presidents - just ask Bill Clinton....

Definitely more to it than the tweet. Joy Reid had that ridiculous anti-gay blog and she’s still there.

What you’re stating is your interpretation of the gun debate. Different people on each side of the debate (and even within the same side) have different perspectives. While you identify that the debate isn’t about the elimination of the 2A, other’s on the pro-restrictions side of the debate disagree and state that

There has to be more to the story than this. People aren’t fired over a single allegation. There had to be evidence, multiple independent allegations, and/or acknowledgment by Matt that the allegations contained factual statements.

You can’t have it both ways - we’re all over celebrities, politicians, etc. that were alleged to have committed similar acts. We were quick to condemn them so we can’t give Piven a pass just because he’s talented. I like Piven; I like Spacey. And, I’m somewhat sympathetic to them as they are doing what has been

I’m guessing that there is no air bag under that....

I only look if they’re to my right - almost never to the left.

The best write-up would be her response if she actually got the call to model from the Erotic Carp people. Now that response would be well worth reading...

Wow. That’s a good price. I’ve installed several Nest and Ecobee thermostats and the Nest are definitely my favorite - both in terms of ease of installation and usage.

Wow. That’s a good price. I’ve installed several Nest and Ecobee thermostats and the Nest are definitely my favorite

The background check requests is a very deceiving number. For example, in my state, like other states, you don’t have to do a background check for each firearm purchase if you have an active carry permit (since you had to already go through the same check, and a couple of others, to get the carry permit). So anyone

A.k.a. - “how to be a dick”. How is this even a “Lifehacker” article?

Yeah these days it doesn’t take much. Shit - just turn on the news and watch everyone lose their mind....