
It is, minimally, misguided (albeit well-intentioned perhaps) to think that laws that work in one country will work and have the same effect in another. That, of course, ignores the fact that these gun restrictions used in other countries could be implement in the US anyway as they would be deemed unconstitutional.

Fuck - that teacher is harsh. I mean, I recognize it is his job to prepare kids for the real world and all, but dude - that’s keeping it a little too real.

Well, actually we got derailed when I responded to some comments that were posting, seeming to suggest that guns were the problem and that, somehow, we could get rid of them and all of our problems will be solved (I’m paraphrasing of course). My contention is that the issue isn’t cause by firearms but rather human

I’m not sure what you think you know. I can tell you that you don’t know what you profess to know. I too have made homemade explosives (for research purposes and family entertainment value only - of course). With that said, no government agents have shown up to ask me any questions yet. I’ve also purchased cases (over

Which gun owner told you that? Why do you think that all gun owners are the same? That is a horrible mentality and takes away any constructive dialog to be had. Be part of the solution, don’t flame the problem. This article has some very valid points in that there is 1) no uniform way of dealing with firearms in cases

The last paragraph was just obvious common sense. It is disturbing that you think that it requires some reference or citation for validation. In terms of explosives being a rare form of attack because they are tracked, you’re seriously mistaken. Law enforcement agencies constantly thwart larger scale attacks in the US

It’s interesting how you ignore the fact that the church shooter had the potential to shoot additional victims elsewhere, had he not been stopped outside of the church. We may have not even known who he was if he hadn’t been shot by the citizen. You also ignore all of the other self defense shootings in the US. I

Your emotions appear to be preventing you from being rational about this. You see gun owners as the enemy - an enemy that doesn’t want safe neighborhoods, that they are all some ignorant wife-beaters. That kind of attitude prevents you from working with gun owners towards any change or resolution. Gun owners are

Oh, I love counterarguments. Thanks for sharing. The article is right in many ways - many of Chicago’s gun laws were deemed unconstitutional or likely unconstitutional and therefore stricken down. However, that isn’t what caused violent crime to rise - it is wrong to take two isolated data points and automatically

Those aren’t lax - they are normally. For instance, most states don’t require a permit to purchase a firearm. It is a pointless hurdle to make people go through and to collect more fees. You already have to pass a background check to purchase a firearm, so necessitating a firearm purchase permit is pointless.

What am I, a statistician? There are mass shootings like San Bernardino where they weren’t, but you start to split hairs. In San Bernardino, the shooter had to have someone else purchase the firearms as the shooter couldn’t purchase them themselves. In the case of the Sandy Hook shooting, the guns were stolen from the

How does it feel when the truth doesn’t fit your beliefs, yet you’re unwilling to change those beliefs as a result? Just curious.

Odd, I don’t remember suggesting that. You are apparently quoting someone else.


People like me? Yeah that’s a way to get me to accept your position....

I can’t be responsible for your lack of understanding. Accorndig to the media, the church shooter was shot by the citizen. He dropped his Ruger AR, got in his vehicle, and fled. It was originally reported that the citizen shot at the church shooter, but it was unknown if he hit him. Law enforcement updated the story

If enacting laws has virtually no effect on criminal actions, then it is pointless and silly. Even worse, these laws disarm otherwise law abiding citizens preventing them from defending themselves, thereby raising violent crime rates.

Cops do stop additional people from being shot (in some cases we have to presume that, in other cases it is obvious). Likewise, it is reasonable to presume that the citizen in this case likely saved additional lives by shooting at the church shooter and chasing him until law enforcement arrived. To utterly refuse to

Awesome. So you’re proposed solution is.....?

Sure - but the thugs doing the shooting and the thugs that they target aren’t likely to qualify for or bother with a carry permit. It’s a thugs life...