
Sorry - I meant to say all Ambassadors that were appointed by Obama - not Trump.

First, it is my understanding that Trump has directed this at US Ambassadors that were appointed by Trump, not all US Ambassadors. Secondly, Obama did the same with the Bush-appointed ambassadors in 2008. Ambassadors are typically strong political and/or financial supporters of the administration that appoints them,

It’s all about diversity. BLM members would be proud. Oh wait....

America babe. Why should I be forced to join a union and pay union dues just to work somewhere or work in a particular industry? What if the union isn’t doing what I want it to do? Maybe unions in the South will be a little more motivated now that they have to demonstrate their value to workers. Maybe stronger, better

Try Googling Donald Trumps net worth and business holdings. Please note that I cannot be held responsible for any future deaths that you may suffer though as as result.

Will you have a net worth over $3.5 billion? If so, are you hiring?

If there was that big an issue with his management and bankruptcy, I don’t think that he’d be at the helm of 500 companies.

I think that the Against Hillary/ The Democrats response pretty-much nails it. Hillary wasn’t a good candidate - she just seemed untrustworthy. The DNC appeared to be against Bernie and all for her, making the DNC primary somewhat rigged. Trump has a lot of faults, but in the end he is a successful business man and


Wow - how do you manage to get out of bed every morning?

He won. Get over it. If it was really going to be as bad as your predicting, we should all just kill ourselves now and save the suffering. The same crap was spewed from the Right when Obama was elected, the Left when Reagan was elected, etc. The world isn’t ending.

Really? What success are you crediting to Obama outside of the ACA? Most of Obama’s cited accomplishments (the stimulus bailout, Afghan drawdown, withdrawal of troops from Iraq, eliminating Gaddafi, etc.) often are debated as to their success vs. negative impact.

White supremacy is on the rise

“For a Rockette to be considered for an event, they must voluntarily sign up and are never told they have to perform at a particular event, including the inaugural,” MSG said in a statement. “It is always their choice. In fact, for the coming inauguration, we had more Rockettes request to participate than we have

All that hate is going to drive you into an early grave...

I’m just waiting for someone to come along and justify this based on people being ok with women breastfeeding in public...

They’re common in Japan. I’ve seen taxi drivers, police, train conductors, etc. with them.

I always just assumed that they were using DropBox...

Probably because those that voted for Trump were more concerned about other issues than political correctness.

Bingo. I’ve driven in conditions like this - a lot. These people are going too fast (some way too fast), not paying attention, or don’t know how to deal with ice. Some people handled it just fine.