
I thought that the line about Trump not supposed to be there either was funny, but I didn’t get the whole “Hungry for Power” piece - that isn’t unique to Republicans. The same act could be done at the DNC convention.

Q: What would law enforcement do when they point a firearm at a vehicle and the vehicle then tries to run them over?

Those are the facts.

Have you ever tried to buy an Uzi or AK at a gun show without a background check? Even a pistol? Good luck. Very few private, unlicensed sellers are at gun shows. The reason is that it just doesn’t economically make sense. In most states, people can do private, person-to-person sales w/o a background check - there is

For God’s sake.

Local governments and the Federal government are very well practiced at violating the 4th amendment through their asset forfeiture laws. There are literally hundreds of documented cases where assets are seized with no due-process. If you can get the assets back, it generally will cost you serious cash....

Seriously, how does the Chrysler K cars get a pass?

Umm - we all know that gun bans don’t stop people from acquiring those guns and committing crimes right? We know that this is just a feel-good measure that makes us think we did something to accomplish something. I’m pretty sure the Columbine school shooting happened while the “assault weapons ban” was still in

“Gun control” is a very general term. The issue would be what, specifically would help. In this case, the shooter had to wait for ‘waiting period’ meant to let people’cool off’ from their emotions. The shooter also had extensive background checks and employment as an armed security guard (working in Federal facilities

I swear I have to look up loose vs. lose half the time I use the words.

Dear God It’s Beautiful!

True - Kellogg stands out because of his name, but he definitely wasn’t alone.

Fuck! When is this bullshit going to stop? You can’t criticize anything that Obama does (even when its a valid issue) because he’s black. You can’t criticize Hillary because she is a woman. This is utter nonsense and paranoia. Why propagate this garbage message? Do you believe that, if you say it enough, people will

Careful - you’re going to offend the PC crowd that couldn’t make it to their safe space before reading your comment... oh wait... I see they have already commented here. Sorry - I’m too late.

That dude in the truck is in a heap of trouble...

Stupid. Why do people insist on forcing their views on others?

Not sure about the classifications you assign, but for some it is just business and no, they don’t go around with unique distinctive features like barcodes tattooed high on their neck; they look just like everyone else. It is easier that way.

Anything to protect the overly-sensitive from real life...

Wait a minute - if it is a Canadian car, shouldn’t the wheels be square?

It’s politics: when you’re down, you’re out.