
Tell your dad he needs to make up a different story.

Your Dad, or you, is full of shit.

My dad is an airline pilot and used to work for Alitalia.

So that’s where baby SR-71s come from!

Mine wasn’t so horrible, just weird. We boarded a plane for Hong Kong at like 10am. A series of plane malfunctions kept us at the gate till 2 or 3 o’clock. Then the plane taxi’ing behind us caught fire and they aren’t allowed to move the burning plane till the fire chief signs off on it. By the time its all done, we

I have a question: What is considered part of the vehicle in the clause “vehicle protection”? I.e. could protecting the emissions systems be deemed protecting the vehicle, or does it pertain only to the engine outside of the emissions system? I mean, obviously turning off all the emissions system would have a

as a new yorker, cannot agree more. +1 bagel

Precursor to a national ID?

This story is now more about lawyers than it is about cars.

Oh, I will.

But Labrador retrievers are Canadian/British dogs.

This really should have seen more traction yesterday. Have a belated star!

I’m allowed to be bitter. But fuck you too while im at it.

ABC is reporting that the final cost of the contract is around $3 billion, but that cost is probably rising. His $4 billion number may not be that much of an exaggeration.

Tragic news. Atlético Nacional has asked that the Copa Sudamericana cup be awarded to Chapecoense

WTF is a “jnee zainy”?

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down