
Dear Doug,

It already has bitten them — they drive a first-generation Rogue.

Who brings a girl they’ve known for 3 weeks to meet the family for Christmas?

I saw a BMW with its turn signal on once.

As opposed to high-mileage exotic dancers.

I love me some big block offshore motors. Triple big blocks are nasty, but at that point I’d start looking at gas turbines!

The day I stop looking around for a new car will be the day I’m dead inside.

How to know if you bought the wrong car ? Easy.

Man, if your dream car is an Acura, you need to step up your dream game.

Thanks for thew trip down memory lane, love that guy, re-reading everything now :)

omg this guy is so good (and apparently trolling in my hometown which makes it even better)

Now I really need to see this.

When he made the janitor account, I immediately thought of this guy:

That’s one of my favorite sites. I check back every few months to see if the guy updated it and reread some of the emails.

im fucking dying laughing thank you so much for showing me this... The cup/gun... just fucking stop... my sides hurt...

Two words: Horse & Farm.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

I thought he was just replacing a light bulb.

I drive stick. I prefer to drive stick. I feel more connected to a stick too. I totally get it.

Just like every article I have ever read telling "manual elitists" to give up, this article completely ignores the actual joy we take in rowing the box and using three pedals, and just goes straight towards "flappy paddles are faster!"