I spot some Land Rover Defender Wheels on that “chassis of the little tour train out front”
I spot some Land Rover Defender Wheels on that “chassis of the little tour train out front”
Jesus christ, who is this buyer?
What ever happened to “I don’t want to do this”?
Why does a flat tire delay anybody for more than 15 minutes? Oh right, nobody can change a tire and the ability to do anything mechanical makes you strange. Got it.
Another take -
...expensive for a tourist
You should learn German! I did in grad school and honestly there was a huge benefit to my English grammar.
Nope, save your dryer lint and any wax from baby bell, etc, pack them tight with that. Amazing fire starting catalysts.
are JP/JW hybrids on the table as choices now?
What about somebody garaging a beige camry (with dent)
This has happened in my TDI Defender, same solution.
Its happened before, at least that time gifts were presented.
How is the Haas F1 team working around this?
“That is disgusting! Do you call that a King James Breakfast pie?!”