
Seriously, I know Elon Musk is a fucking asshole nutcase, but he was clearly referring to the “powerful people” in the tweet to which he was replying. There’s so much else one can readily critique about his stupid position on creating what would effectively be Verrit 2.0 (but with actual investment behind it,

If wealthy white men drove taxis, the city would have returned the fee for the medallions.

Down with Jacquard Looms! Will no one think of the weavers who invested in expensive looms, that now can’t make a living with machine looms undercutting then, and are taking their own lives!

So much this.

This is terrible for this man and other people like him, but the problem isn’t with Uber, it’s that a medallion is $700k. This artificial economy has always been problematic. There are also issues with ride sharing, but the answer lies somewhere in the middle, not protecting this outdated system.

Relax guys! He said journalists. You’re safe. ;)

Have you considered maybe not owning Fords?

chicken in red wine is literally like Julia Child’s signature recipe, what are you talking about

The serious outraged reactions to your post are the best. I hope you, and they, never change.

While I understand and empathize with your sadness, I don’t think I’d go quite as far as to say that everything is bad. I have compiled a short list of things that are good:

A train full of human waste from NYC—dubbed the “Acela Express”

“How to look like a petulant douchebag” 101.

Wow, you should probably switch to decaf. You must be a lot of fun a parties.

Right Click > Search Google for this image >

Time to buy a new house.

On Jalopnik, verbs optional.

Colonial Williamsburg?

superior to your stock. You just need to get better at making stock.

Are we sure that this is not a Hyundai?