
Niger and Nigeria are different countries...

Must be all that yellowcake they’re going to sell to the Iraqis - that shit’s expensive.

Germany still has love for Volkswagen

It talks about giving preference to minority religions, not just Christians. 

And what about compassion for the people that need a ride from the airport?

Captialism isn’t always pretty

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

Uh....... I test drove a 2014 version and it *sucked*. Nimble-ish handling, but otherwise slow, loud, and not very much fun at all. I really, really wanted to like it, but just couldn’t. Plus the dealer wanted something like 19k for it, even though it had been sitting on the lot for two years.

Speaking of paranoid...

The craigslist add has been edited from GR’s version. And with the other text of the ad and the well presented pictures, I wondered why he sounded like such a hick on the trade option. I bet it was solely to get around CL’s prohibition of anything related to guns.

How about this - do your fucking job and leave the political and social commentary to your weekends when you aren’t in the office. Lucky someone hasn’t sued your ass for hostile workplace. Jackass.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Is he a dwarf? Is this some kind of gigantoid car from another universe?

Is he extremely short or is that car extremely tall?

Or an angry mob of “protesters” is threatening to pull you out of the vehicle and you need to get the fuck out. Ceding control to the car is a slippery slope that I don’t want any part of.

Poor man’s Toyota Century — accept no substitutes. At least most of the switchgear and little interior bits in this comes from a gen 1 LS400, the stuff in the President looks like it came out of a Sentra.

No problem with the EPA regulating pollution. It’s awful they enforce these stupid CAFE standards. Cars and Trucks should get the MPG that their customers want, not what the government wants.

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention isn’t even top 100?!? INTERVENTION! INTERVENTION!

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.