
My idiot friends and I wouldn’t have made it through an hour of this before going double agent on each other and driving away while the dunk dude is left alone in the driveway. We were sort of dicks. Also, none of us could dunk.

“Some crimes are worse than others therefore we shouldn’t punish criminals” - Literally You

She’s a criminal (who was caught committing a crime while on probation for having committed another crime, by the way). She should be subject to the consequences of her crimes. Nothing you wrote changes that.

Yeah, she’s mostly harmless but it’s a little gross how Jez writers find this woman so charming and wonderful.

Not to be a profound square but this woman is a thief, is likely a kleptomaniac and should probably be in jail or treatment or both.

the moral of the story is don’t bring a knife to a can fight.

Towards the end, I thought machete guy was going to drive off without Machete girl. Which would have completed the circle of doucheness.

Double Dragon was my favorite arcade game.

I knew a girl who swallowed a pin when she was 11 but didn’t feel a prick until she was 17.

I don’t know if he’s an ass or not, but he’s right.

because he disagrees with you? Nice

It’s Florida, so it was probably opened in the store.

“Roger Goodell has already decided no suspension will be given at this time, but Fowler will be subject to season-long counselling for alternative bullying options. ‘We’re just disappointed that Dante never even considered giving the, *cough cough*, alleged “victim” a swirlie,’ Goodell said in the NFL’s official

“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except for death, taxes, and the Jaguars pretty much every NFL franchise drafting terrible people.”

Okay there’d be no dry food left if we’d all gotten our groceries tossed in a lake after we criticized a Jaguar drive.

Well, many of us do things in our jobs that are uncomfortable. For instance, sometimes I have to teach books that involve sexual assault. It can be emotionally taxing, but I believe in the work and think it adds something to the lives of my students.

its called texting and tinder


White people getting upset about terms like ‘wypipo’, ‘honkey’, ‘cracker’, ‘white trash’ etc. is ridiculous. None of those words hold any power and they never have. They have never been used with any real power to actually do harm to any white person in the history of the world.