Dwayne Takeda

Missed the reunion! Now I'll have to wait until they're back at Villapiano's Pizza. Out by the airport.

This writer needs to learn the meaning of the word "eponymous."

"This is the kind of shit that turns a drooling fanboy like me away for good." Could you be more specific about the "kind of shit?" I'm asking seriously what you didn't like about this. I mean, it was barely a story. It just set up things for all these other Rebirth books with the big reveal.

I'm not sure why the leap is being made to where Geoff Johns is blaming the Watchmen for the darkening of the New 52. He's using the Dr. Manhattan character as an explanation for it, and as a way to change things back slightly, which I like much better than creating a new baddie from scratch. We'll see. DC always

"The current generation(s) of writers and artists have all wanted to stamp these things with their personal egos. Change for change's sake and shock value. It's all alienating —-" Amen.
It used to be that writers viewed the characters and the limitations that came with them (i.e., whatever was written before) as