Lets hope.
Lets hope.
This is going to be a fucking mess.
He’s making Tiffany work the bar.
Ill accept it.
Very possible, yes. And I certainly hope so.
“Americas Next Top Juicer”
So I guess thats not gonna be a Disney Cruise Line fun-stop anytime soon.
She needs to be in more movies.
I usually see him in Dillards.
If all of his other massive fuck ups didnt derail him this isnt going to.
SECRET INFO: The average American is not a decent, hardworking, honest, intelligent person. He is a lazy, uneducated, racist who can tell you the names of Brad Pitts kids but not the capital of France.
Run Bitch! That pornos coming from INSIDE the house!
A better question, at this point in time, is where in America is it NOT now embarrassing to be from?
All tickets $5.
Trumps gonna put in some slot machines and an all you can eat buffet and clean up.
He was also friends with Sammy Davis Jr.
I dont think millennials can comprehend their being wiped out by nuclear war.